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- #1
Discussion Post:
Sniper ammo
Main idea: Either: Reduce the price of sniper ammo OR Have sniper ammo boxes contain 20 rounds instead of 10. Description: Despite metal being cheaper now, sniper ammo only really went down in crafting price by like $300. Sniper ammo contains 10 rounds a box and is both the most expensive...
Main Idea:
Double the capacity of sniper ammo cartons.
Full description of the idea:
You get 10 rounds per sniper ammo box. The highest capacity sniper ammo taking firearms take 20 rounds per magazine.
Sniper rifles are probably the best optimised guns on PERP (albeit some like the L115 have issues that need addressing), and the vast majority of the community who are careful with there money are unfortunately capped at making a sane decision at not utilising guns with ammo that exceed conventional handguns such as the HK45CT in price.
Why should it be added?:
I Had a vote on the discussion thread and this was the most chosen option, more people voted to double the capacity of sniper ammo boxes than any other option combined.
A full G3A3 magazine has a crafting value of 7.6k, and that's at 0% sales tax. The G3A3 is a fully automatic firearm, with a 20 round capacity. An average spray at medium range will consist of 5 rounds.
The reasons I feel as though it should be doubled are:
- Its significantly more expensive to fill a single G3A3 or M14 magazine than it would be to fill 6 M4A1 magazines. Hell, its only $200 more to fill 6 M4 mags than it would be to fill 1 SR25 mag.
- Sniper rifles are still obscure weapons on the server due to the high cost of ammo. People would rather just slap a zenith on an M4 than use a sniper for most uses.
- High calibre ammunition on the civilian market is typically sold in cartons of 20 to 100. 20 would suit the gamemode more however.
- Marksmanship levelling is no longer a thing, meaning the sole reason 95% of crafted sniper ammo was ever used is no longer applicable.
- More incentive to use snipers
- More value for money
- M14's and G3A3's wouldn't be money pissers
- idk, more sniping I guess? Could be bad for pistol cops but idk if that's really a con.
- People with inventories of loads of boxes of 10 sniper ammo rounds could be able to sell half empty boxes as if they were full.
*Other additions:

A box of agila branded .308 FMJ Hunting rounds, sold in a carton of 20, retailing at around $12-15 USD or £10-13 UKP.

Above: The community being happy that they can fill a single G3A3 Magazine with a single box of sniper ammo