[SOLVED] Where to download softwares 'legally'?

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United Kingdom
School is almost around the corner and i will be needing various editing softwares (i.e. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Adobe AfterEffects) for my media course and self-indulgent due having an interest in pursuing these as a hobby. However, it does not really help in my current circumstances seeing this (http://www.ukispcourtorders.co.uk/). Although this is probably not the suitable section for this post to be. I would very much appreciate if anyone could send me a private message of how i can attain said programmes.

Thanks for your time.
This looks very scary my friend! Be careful when obtaining theses different applications because they can contain viruses and all that stuff. Your only 100% safe chance would be to buy them legitimately or use a different, more cheaper (or perhaps free) approach like Windows Movie Maker or something. I'm sure your school won't mind if you explain to them.
You shouldn't attempt to do that, we all sometimes don't have money to spend but you could very easily get a virus etc. I personally do have the "legal" ps and pr and Vegas, but I'd recommend you to get the month trial available for any Adobe product
If you go to a good school/college, they may even provide these programmes for you. However, like I said it would have to be an extremely good or organised college. My college got me Windows 10 for my PC and Microsoft Office for free on 5 different devices. They also have "Adobe Suite" which allows me to access Photoshop, After effects however that's only on college computers.

Check with your college/school and see what they can provide you with.
You'll most likely have to pay for them but! Because your a student you will get some money knocked off when you buy it straight from from Adobe...... Or you could pirate it.....
There are open source alternatives for almost everything, completely legal and free updates as long as the project is alive. A quick google returned this as first result: https://www.osalt.com/

And since its open source you could even program additional features or fix bugs yourself if you're into coding :)
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