Some Time Off

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Hey guys. So earlier on I requested to be banned. The reasoning behind this is I'm now in GCSE year so I want to start revising. Some of you may have met me in-game, either me driving my Skyline around the city for no reason, being on-duty as Sergeant, or just being really stupid. All of you guys I've met on PERP are amazing. I can't lie. Some of you peeps may have been messing around with me while I've been on the server as it's been a blast. I also now feel that I am on PERP way to much now and it's starting to sort mess me up. So this is why I've decided to ban myself, so I don't temp myself coming on the server. You will still see me active on TS and I'm usually in the Police Lounge but once in a while I'll talk to other people.
Overall you're all amazing people and I wish to see you all again and start a new chapter. I'm using this ban wisely now. See you all later and have a good time. - Bryon English
I get that you need a break, but requesting a ban is too over the top. PERP isn't an addiction.
Shame it has came to this, but hey, I guess some of us can manage our time and some not so much. Good luck with your GCSEs, I hope they all go well for you! :D