Police Suggestion Suggestion for suggestion (TFU EOD)

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Suggestion Title: Suggestion for suggestion (TFU EOD)
Suggestion Description: Pre-face:
In relation to https://perpheads.com/threads/pd-disabling-car-bombs.59382/

This ideas I am about to share was privately shared initially with Apollo and he liked it. So I hope to provide this addition to his suggestion so that it might give some ideas on how the mechanic for ordinance disposal would work.

Version 1 | skill based:

Instead of it being a simple “loading bar”

Heavy gear TFU get a defuse kit that when aimed at a car bombed vehicle then left clicked initiates the UI for the mini game

A mini game to represent the process is developed. You have to complete a task, it can even be a game like the ones on the mobile phone (doubling as free practice for Premium players). If you fail to reach the score required bomb explodes.


Version 2 | luck based:

A simple UI showing 5 wires is shown.

Intelligence genetic increases chance so

Intelligence 0 means 1 out of 5 wires will defuse. 20% chance success.

Intelligence 1 makes it 2 wires
Intel 2 makes it 3
Intel 3 makes it 4
Intel 4 makes it 5 wires

This is good for crafters and cop mains since Intel 4 also goes into crafting certain high grade explosives or snipers so naturally 4 is as high as people need to go anyway.

Why should this be added?:
- open to the preference of the player base, if luck or skill is preferred.
- rewards skill
- fun for gamblers
- includes genetics in a new way into the life of a officer
- in depth creative mechanic

What negatives could this have?:
- TFOs who do the skill based version might fail on purpose?

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Providing ideas for how the actual process of ordinance disposal would work.
While i like the overall suggestion, i don't think it should be a skill based minigame, as if they fail, then whoever is accidently affected by the failure will be the TFO's fault and they might receive IAs or similar for possibly an accidental fail on a minigame, And luck is basically the same andd wouldn't be considered fair, I think a way such as a way to remove the car bomb should be utilised, in which i believe they have already been suggested.
I disagree with Jack Locks I think a minigame where you can fail and kill everyone would be hilarious and a brilliant addition to the server.
I feel like me having to take action on someone because they can’t play a mini game is kinda dumb.
as per above ''I feel like me having to take action on someone because they can’t play a mini game is kinda dumb.'' i agree with this statement
I see a lot of -1s, do you guys have any suggestions on a fun alternative?
@R3D @Bnje @Locksmith
Thoughts = Definitely should not be a loading bar, this isn't pre-historic times.

Version 2 is a better alternative to version 1 which is skill based however, i do not think it should be branched to all members of TFU i believe it should be a separate, special/elite thing that requires prior training but this wouldn't be considered fair to other members of PLPD, or even the community!

The addition of a 'Minigame' is a good premise/ initial idea, but the risk of it is that you blow yourself and everyone else up? I'm seeing people doing it just as a troll to their friends of people placing cars with bombs in specific places, waiting for a fatal error to occur, this will cause staff more work and hassle in the long run. And PLPD would have quite a few IA reports from it. I just don't think its worth the extra work.

''I think a minigame where you can fail and kill everyone would be hilarious and a brilliant addition to the server.'' @Jimmy
We all know some people in the community which will use this to troll... Its even one of my first thoughts!
I disagree with minigames being essential to a whitelisted role with consequences for failure.
Precisely why I involved ver 2. So that it’s luck based, with increased luck depending on your intelligence gene.

In my opinion it doesn’t bother me if TFU ARE that “Elite unit” who defuse cat bombs because TFU already is an elite cadre. TFU effectively already deal with situations just as or more dangerous than a car bomb and are trained on EOD for C4.

Of course in TFU training this means the factor of if the bomb is detonated or defused is disregarded. However the containing, securing and communicating of the procedure behind the disposal of the ordinance in question is the relevant skills being tested.

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