Description of the idea: Allow players to get out of their test drive car if it isn't in the car dealer parking lot.
If it's not in the car dealer parking lot you will get a notification "In order for your money to be refunded you have to return this vehicle to the car dealer."
If it's in the car dealer parking lot, it'll simply vanish and refund you.
All other aspects of a test drive will work as normal, including the amount of time you have left to test drive it.
The trunk will open but nothing can be transferred.
Why should this be added? (pros): Prevent newer players from losing money to a test drive when they think they can get out of the vehicle. (See attached image [1])
What negatives could this have? (cons): Allows test drives to be used for criminal activities, which includes getting one, jumping out near cops and shooting them, then getting back in and letting the car get sprayed up with barely any consequences.
Other additions:
Change the way your test drive is timed to an on-screen text display. (Similar to the NLR timer)
Extend the test drive time to 5 minutes. (From 2 minutes)
Decrease the cooldown between test drives to 30 seconds. (From 2 minutes)
Alternative idea (replaces the initial idea above): Add a notification under the text that pops up to mention that exiting the vehicle will despawn it and terminate the test drive.[2]
Add text here.
If it's not in the car dealer parking lot you will get a notification "In order for your money to be refunded you have to return this vehicle to the car dealer."
If it's in the car dealer parking lot, it'll simply vanish and refund you.
All other aspects of a test drive will work as normal, including the amount of time you have left to test drive it.
The trunk will open but nothing can be transferred.
Why should this be added? (pros): Prevent newer players from losing money to a test drive when they think they can get out of the vehicle. (See attached image [1])
What negatives could this have? (cons): Allows test drives to be used for criminal activities, which includes getting one, jumping out near cops and shooting them, then getting back in and letting the car get sprayed up with barely any consequences.
Other additions:
Change the way your test drive is timed to an on-screen text display. (Similar to the NLR timer)
Extend the test drive time to 5 minutes. (From 2 minutes)
Decrease the cooldown between test drives to 30 seconds. (From 2 minutes)
Alternative idea (replaces the initial idea above): Add a notification under the text that pops up to mention that exiting the vehicle will despawn it and terminate the test drive.[2]
