
Reaction score
double mini roundabout
I couldn't think of a creative title.

Due to exams, mocks, homework, courses, leg breakages, lead smuggling, chocolat singing and other perturbing circumstances I will be inactive until about December. Then after the Christmas Holidays the process starts all over again.

And due to the upcoming release of Fallout 4, this doesn't help these circumstances either.

I'm also having my room redone because it has the atmosphere of a Motorway Service toilet.

It was a good time to deny my enforcer application really, wasn't it:panda:

I'll be back, don't worry.

Love you all :)
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Ah man, this was fairly unexpected. Even though it's not a complete goodbye, it's sad to see you go for that long.
Eitherway mate, good luck with your exams etc and have fun playing fallout!
Bye bye Lewis, take care of Sushi, you are the friendliest bloke I know.
Shame to see you're going inactive :/
Good luck with your exams and I will see you in December

Medics just went from meh to avoid at all costs.

Completely understandable do what you have to do Don't let anyone tell you what to do.
Sad to see the only really good medic go but exams etc are way more importatnt as a game. Anyways good luck with your exams and everything else you need to do :)
Oh god, not my favourite Lewis.
Paralake City's death rate will go up now as we have no good medics :dead:.
This is unexpected and I hope you do well in your exams, and I know you will still be on from time to time ;).
"This news just in: The rising amount of sweatermedics has resulted in Paralake's daily death toll to rise to 3000, experts claim it is because of the recent holiday of Paralake's prize medic, Lewis Love."

Please do come visit us every now and again.
I will also lose any kind of life I may have had upon the release of Fallout 4, I might as well enjoy it for the last 2 months...