so as you may or may not know, I've not really played properly in ages and this is due to my general interest in games and perp reducing slowly over time to the point where I come on my computer very little. This really isn't one of those goodbye posts in which I'll return in a week as I've made sure that I won't by thinking for quite long with what I want to do in the future, which is either sitting at home playing games all day or actually doing something that I won't regret later on in life. Overall, I think I've wasted my teenage years already due to my vast amount of time that I've spent on my computer, and I know some of you lot may not think the same but trust me, give it a couple years and you'll realise how unimportant your computer is to you. During my spout of starting to hate playing games and my general attitude towards perp becoming sour I decided to do quite a harmless thing and thought I'd give everyone a bit of fun which of course resulted in:
The owners and senior staff have done an excellent job with the community and I've enjoyed watching it develop into what is today, I have quite huge opinions on some of the "newer" staff but I will not be using this post to have a rant as I'm really not angry at all at the community. What I'm trying to say is cut the staff some slack, at the end of the day you may not agree with what they are doing but all of these changes are made with the players in mind, and so what if some are not as good as others? I think the staff have done a great job recently with listening to the community and this is what is needed for the server to progress forward rather than backwards.
I've shared a lot of fun time with members of the community and I think no matter what, even if I do want to forget this stage of my life I will always remember having a fun firefight with my internet friends and the endless amounts of fun I had with progressing my character. For all you new players out there, trust me the start is hard but when you reach the higher part it will all be worth it and that doesn't mean grinding to get a supercar because take it from me, supercars are overrated and a massive waste of time and that is coming from someone that took 4 years before he actually got a car about 2 million.
I won't be tagging people as you know who you are and most of them have left the community anyways
so as you may or may not know, I've not really played properly in ages and this is due to my general interest in games and perp reducing slowly over time to the point where I come on my computer very little. This really isn't one of those goodbye posts in which I'll return in a week as I've made sure that I won't by thinking for quite long with what I want to do in the future, which is either sitting at home playing games all day or actually doing something that I won't regret later on in life. Overall, I think I've wasted my teenage years already due to my vast amount of time that I've spent on my computer, and I know some of you lot may not think the same but trust me, give it a couple years and you'll realise how unimportant your computer is to you. During my spout of starting to hate playing games and my general attitude towards perp becoming sour I decided to do quite a harmless thing and thought I'd give everyone a bit of fun which of course resulted in:

The owners and senior staff have done an excellent job with the community and I've enjoyed watching it develop into what is today, I have quite huge opinions on some of the "newer" staff but I will not be using this post to have a rant as I'm really not angry at all at the community. What I'm trying to say is cut the staff some slack, at the end of the day you may not agree with what they are doing but all of these changes are made with the players in mind, and so what if some are not as good as others? I think the staff have done a great job recently with listening to the community and this is what is needed for the server to progress forward rather than backwards.
I've shared a lot of fun time with members of the community and I think no matter what, even if I do want to forget this stage of my life I will always remember having a fun firefight with my internet friends and the endless amounts of fun I had with progressing my character. For all you new players out there, trust me the start is hard but when you reach the higher part it will all be worth it and that doesn't mean grinding to get a supercar because take it from me, supercars are overrated and a massive waste of time and that is coming from someone that took 4 years before he actually got a car about 2 million.
I won't be tagging people as you know who you are and most of them have left the community anyways