Suggestion Title: Teamspeak with alliance orgs
Suggestion Description: After a level and a perk unlocked, something like a channel that allows to communicate via TeamSpeak with your org alliances, like 2 orgs being in a single channel
Why should this be added?:
- better communication with alliances org
- maybe it can stop some metagaming going on..
What negatives could this have?:
- maybe its to op,
What problem would this suggestion solve?: being in pd,bank raid, or other stuff this would help communicate with all members involved either its crafting or anything
Suggestion Description: After a level and a perk unlocked, something like a channel that allows to communicate via TeamSpeak with your org alliances, like 2 orgs being in a single channel
Why should this be added?:
- better communication with alliances org
- maybe it can stop some metagaming going on..
What negatives could this have?:
- maybe its to op,
What problem would this suggestion solve?: being in pd,bank raid, or other stuff this would help communicate with all members involved either its crafting or anything