Teemo 2.1 4.1

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Your Steam/In-game Name: ♫JarredInator♫ / Jarred Donerino

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Teemo / Tyrone Davies

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81757952

Why Should This Player Be Punished: User used highly unjustifiable force trying to pull me over. User also shot me without again any justifiable reason at all. @Walker called over the radio that I was following them and illegally transporting my gun. (Never knew he actually was talking on the radio, thought he was joking with me)

Evidence (Demo Required):


I was already driving backwards, had no idea what he was doing so I just kept going.
Right, so I got a call saying heavily armed suspect with weapon on his back, after this Jimmy (or another Sgt/Corp) said "Lets gun him down" . But I decided to attempt to gunpoint him instead of being trigger-happy . After he refused and started reversing backwards (leading to a crash rendering him unconscious) I began to aim for his tires as I deemed him a threat to the public due to the firearm and reversing into high speed oncoming traffic. I wouldn't of fired if he complied . My reason to pull him over was 7.6 - Transport of an offensive firearm. If there is any error in my response please note it.

Since I've now received input from Tyla from my flaws here are my improvements
These shots were only fired as you refused to co-operate under gunpoint and could've caused a shootout with your firearm.
I had to risk shooting the tires as you decided to drive off with a firearm that could've caused a massacre. I had to decide : Your car and possible injuries or a dozen bodies of citizens and officers alike.
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after this Jimmy (or another Sgt/Corp) said
Jimmy was a paramedic at the time. You could literately hear the laughter in his voice whilst he was giving out said 'commands'
. After he refused and started reversing backwards (leading to a crash rendering him unconscious)
You shot me before the crash happened. Driving backwards isn't enough of a reason to mow someone down. Look at American police chases. Hence, the reason the crash happened because I was trying to stay alive from you.
I began to aim for his tires as I deemed him a threat to the public
You shot the body of my car multiple times. Even hitting my window in the process. Would've killed me IRL
My reason to pull him over was 7.6 - Transport of an offensive firearm.
This is a Misdemeanor offence. Not enough reason to gunpoint me for it straight away.

This is a Misdemeanor offence. Not enough reason to gunpoint me for it straight away.
Firstly, you have a high calibre assault rifle on your back. I deemed you a threat to the public because if you survived then you could've caused a shootout.
Being medic at the time that reported Jarred for transporting his gun illegally I am familiar with the sit. There was no need to gunpoint Jarred as he was not a threat to anyone, infact gunpointing him could of led to more deaths/injuries as the bullets could of hit other people or caused him to try shooting teemo once he had been shot at.
Firstly, you have a high calibre assault rifle on your back. I deemed you a threat to the public because if you survived then you could've caused a shootout.
You had no call about me at all. I just got out of my base after like 2 hours. In the 15-20 seconds of Walker calling backup you somehow knew I would cause a shootout if not stopped immediately. There would be no beneficial gain for me for causing a shootout. I had nothing to hide nor anything I had to defend. If you would knew this, and knew the fact that I am in no way any danger and or trying to cause a shootout, which would've been solved by just not putting a gun in my face and pull me over like a normal officer would do. You wouldn't never pulled a gun out. You decided to quickly which resulted in this incident. As said before I tried to stay alive by getting away, which because of me turning around, caused a terrible accident which almost killed both my and Sean.
Also you clearly saw me gunpoint you . Why would you still attempt to reverse when all it would do is lead to shots and you almost dieing?
Why would you start to back off from Teemo whilst he had his weapon aimed toward you? IMO if I received a call about a weapon and I gun-pointed said person, it would lead me to believe they had committed an act considering the fact that they'd endanger their life to such an extent that they drive off my gunpoint.

I want everyone to be aware that I'm not defending Teemo's actions with regards to the shots, but attempting to evade after being gunpointed is just silly.
Firstly, you have a high calibre assault rifle on your back. I deemed you a threat to the public because if you survived then you could've caused a shootout.

How do you know he was going to cause a shoot out? He could have just been illegally transporting a weapon or already going to a shoot out? You can't just assume.

Jared reversing on the highway is reckless driving which is certainly not a reason to start shooting him.

Plus what Walker said.
There was no need to gunpoint Jarred as he was not a threat to anyone, infact gunpointing him could of led to more deaths/injuries as the bullets could of hit other people or caused him to try shooting teemo once he had been shot at.

You were putting your life at risk, as well as the other people's around you because of your unthoughtful actions.
Also you clearly saw me gunpoint you . Why would you still attempt to reverse when all it would do is lead to shots and you almost dieing?
Why would you start to back off from Teemo whilst he had his weapon aimed toward you? IMO if I received a call about a weapon and I gun-pointed said person, it would lead me to believe they had committed an act considering the fact that they'd endanger their life to such an extent that they drive off my gunpoint.

I want everyone to be aware that I'm not defending Teemo's actions with regards to the shots, but attempting to evade after being gunpointed is just silly.

Please keep in mind that initially I didn't see him gunpoint me for the first second or 2. Hence why I said I was already reversing. Before I realised it in time to stop shots had already been fired and I was trying to stay alive there. If I would've seen him in time ofcourse I wouldn't have driven away. The reason I originally started to reverse (before seeing him) is because I felt this scene would turn into allot of unnecessary heat for me. Which of course I didn't want up on my ass
Please may I note due to your actions of storing your weapon after you did receive a warning for 3.4.

Post is not relevant to thread. -Rogue
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I had to risk shooting the tires as you decided to drive off with a firearm that could've caused a massacre.

I'd like to challenge this reasoning in particular. Surely by this standard anyone with a firearm in their possession could be at risk of causing a massacre? Because he is transporting it improperly, it doesn't immediately and directly make him any more of a threat than the next guy who has it in his trunk - there are other factors affecting.

You cannot predetermine his mentality based on the sole fact that he evaded the police, either; all that matters is that he is driving away from you and thus is no longer a direct threat - until you know he is a danger to others with far more sound reasoning you have no excuse to actually discharge the firearm on the road user.

reversing into high speed oncoming traffic.

Hey, this is your own problem; you chose to stop the vehicle in that location and you cannot bring it to your defence if it cocks up. You shooting in the general direction of any possible 'high speed oncoming traffic' is even more of a danger to others.

What remotely is the point in making this argument anyway? Even if it was justified to perform a stop for a firearm transport offence at that location (which it doesn't seem to be), you're saying (albeit you do not drive IRL, it doesn't take a genius to work out) that him reversing is going to make a difference to other oncoming traffic, but by that standard your own stop is of similar if not equal hazard to the general public by being in the way of oncoming high speed traffic.
After reviewing your evidence provided, this is my opinion on the actions taken.
Rule 3.4: Putting your life at risk:
I believe you did see teemo with the gun that is why you reversed but obviously that could have caused you to be shot.
Even though Teemo's actions was not reasonable you should have still cooperated.
Rule 4.1: Follow the law:
As law 3.2: Use of force: states that you can use any amount of force if it is reasonable and jusifible, i do believe that the actions taken by Teemo was following that law.

Overall i believe that both parties have broken rules therefore i believe that theh both should recieve a appropriate punishment.
I believe you did see teemo with the gun

I did not. As said in my previous post I initially never saw Teemo pointing a gun at me until he told me to stop my car. Simply because I didn't expect an officer to gunpoint me. I was paying attention to the medic corpse. If I did see him I would've stopped. People that know me well even would know how I would react to it. Which I can tell you is different as for what I did here. The moment I noticed him (I heard him tell me to stop my car) I had less than a second to respond to that. Considering I was already driving backwards I didn't have enough time to stop in-order for Teemo to not shoot at me. Carrot made a post about gun pointing and added this:

In addition, once shots have been fired everything about being held at gunpoint goes out the window. If you start shooting someone it is perfectly valid for them to run away or return fire. For example if you have just shot someone’s car to disable it and they are forced out they can run away or start shooting back unless they have no reasonable chance of escape.

Before I had a chance to stop my car Teemo already opened fire upon me. Meaning the whole 3.4 gun pointing part can be thrown out of the window. In fact, if I would've stopped the car and got out I'm nearly 100% sure on of the bullets being sprayed by Teemo would've hit me.


I would've obstructed his line of sight with the car and surely would've been mowed down with his bullets before he realized I got out.

Now look, I can't really proof anyone that I did infact not see Teemo at first. I wish I could however I simply cannot. You either have to believe this or you just don't.
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Before I had a chance to stop my car
You did not intend to stop as you continued to drive away after I shot your car.
And about the fact you didnt stop because once you got out you thought I wouldve mowed you down is a bit silly really as when you got out after you crashed I stopped my shooting completely so you can't use this in your defence.
You did not intend to stop as you continued to drive away after I shot your car.
Do you even read my replies to this thread?
Before I had a chance to stop my car Teemo already opened fire upon me. Meaning the whole 3.4 gun pointing part can be thrown out of the window.

And about the fact you didnt stop because once you got out you thought I wouldve mowed you down is a bit silly really
Considering the fire rate and the location you were shooting I wouldn't consider it silly.
@Teemo I am on my phone so I cannot post a comment but you need to stop criticising his behaviour here - it is an action request against you and therefore not relevant.
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