Testing the cars on display...

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Topic: Testing the cars on display at the Car Dealer.

Short explanation (in notes):
- To be able to walk up to the cars, hit e and test drive for two minutes
- It would cost money, similarly to testing any car

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
So you have an idea of how fast a car goes with upgrades, and just test out a car you see and like, without having to scroll through the menu to try and find it.

Optional additions:
- Costs more to test than testing the default, because it is upgraded.

angry english man.jpg
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+Support, Well i don't think this will be hard adding so i give a support, And why not.
+support I also am always afraid to pass the speed limit, if a cop stop me then i'll have to pay the car test
Denied - If you press E on a display vehicle, it will tell you the name, price and other details. Then all you need to do is go to the test drive NPC.
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