The Adheriall Family

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"The Adheriall Family, a family which is unlike any other who shall be widely known for being the most respectful and brave family as possible. One key feature of this family is that we must always condemn violence, especially towards those who are unable to fight back and defend themselves, the weak. We as a family will not be known for being the ones to begin the chaos and disturbance amongst the city of Paralake, instead we keep ourselves afloat peacefully amongst other organizations and groups around our beloved city." -Zack Adheriall


Outnumbered, outmatched, betrayed and disrespected by just about every powerful group and organization that we currently are aware of, I wondered the streets alone and cold for days on end after witnessing some things I never thought I would have to bear witness to in my life, and sometimes enduring it. I have seen innocent men and women pass and be miss-treated by the leading powers of the city over and over again up until the point where it has once happened to me. Back-stabbed and betrayed, I was lead somewhere, a cold and dark place where I was taken hostage and eventually "executed", but my powers far outweigh those of my opponents. I rise above myself and the base instincts of the majority of the people around the world and take the decision to move on with my life and count the past as part of my experience in order to lead and motivate others to do the right thing.

It was a late night where I thought to myself, after being miss-treated and betrayed far too many times in my life and still coming out positively and trying to do the right thing, who better than me to create an organization based around my past experiences and trying to motivate others to follow my lead and to not do things they will regret in the future. If I was to go back to those who miss-treated me in anger and full of revenge, what I would have done to them would most likely be what they had done to me, but by doing that, it makes me no better than they are. I want to be seen as more mighty than those who have inflicted harm amongst myself and other innocent men and women. Thus, the Adheriall Family is being born and brought into light. The name Adheriall has originated from the word 'Adherence', meaning "sticking to" or "being faithful to" which is what I want this organization and it's members to be to themselves and others around the city.


Every Member must be dedicated and stick to these rules at all times, not doing so will result in their removal from the organization or be put on the path of least resistance. We understand that these rules are very strict and will restrict the amount of things you can do as a "criminal", but these are the rules we follow, we will not act and be known as 'one of those organizations'.
  • All members of the Adheriall Family must be loyal, honest and respect each other at all times.
  • Foul language within or around the house will not be accepted.
  • Drug growing in the name of the Adheriall Family will not be tolerated unless granted permission and/or done so with organization commitment (you cannot grow with 1 or 2 other members, it must be done with the majority of the organization in one base).
  • Carrying weapons in public to threaten is will never be permitted by the organization, you are allowed to carry a weapon in public in order to defend yourself (in correspondence with the law).
  • Mug or miss-treating other people/members of the public will not be tolerated unless granted permission or for good reasoning.
  • Starting fights or inflicting any violence against other organizations will not be tolerated.
  • Attacking (verbally or physically such as when defending) unarmed or non-threatening people will never be tolerated.
  • When taken by the police during arrests, members are not allowed to speak of or know of the Adheriall Family (privatize all Adheriall Family information from government officials).
  • When taken hostage by other organizations, members SHOULD alert the family of this and the hostage takers will be dealt with accordingly.
  • Stealing from other members of the Adheriall Family will NEVER be permitted, members will end up being dealt with 'accordingly' for this.
  • Members who wish to leave the organization must speak to the father of the organization before leaving.

As an organization, we will never declare other organizations as enemies, instead we seek to keep peaceful relations with other organizations around the city, however if an organizations commits acts of violence against our family repeatedly and seriously, we will mark you as an adversary.

Non currently.

Every organization currently.

Non currently.


These people are seemed as allies however their organization are not seen quite like this.
Robin Ljungberg (@Robin Ljungberg)
Aaron Martin (@Panda)

Currently at peace with all other organizations.


These are the clothing and accessories required once you are officially accepted into the Adheriall Family. These clothing and accessories must be worn at all times in order to represent the family in a positive way and let others know that you are non hostile and that you are at peace with all others.



White Aviators


We as an organization try our absolute best to use acts of violence as a last resort, however if we do ever find ourselves in violent acts during offense or defense, there are select few weapons that we tend to use.

Desert Eagle
The desert eagle is a weapon that will represent our organization as best as possible, being that it shines and stands out amongst all others. This weapon has very good damage rates and is able to kill in an instance.

The remington is a weapon which is devastating at close range, killing in one single shot as-well as holding a key feature of being a classic weapon and one which we will use during defending our apartment bases.

The M4A1 is a weapon that has been used by many different organizations over the years but this weapon holds the ability to kill at medium-long range distances as-well as holding the ability to kill in short burts and ending lives without them enduring much pain, hence why this weapon is a good fit for our family.


The founder and complete leader of the family, generally makes decisions but leaves most to the father as his heir.

The made-leader of the organization in-charge and involved in all decisions made in the family.

Loyal brothers to the father of the organization, helps the father to make hard decisions and decides who shall be accepted into the family.

Official members of the family, shown their dedication and commitment to keeping the city of paralake violence free and completing tasks for their uncles, father and grandfather.


Members on trial, applied to become a member of the family and has earned his beginning stripes, these people must carry out small tasks around the city and show their dedication to the family in order to progress.


The grandfather, father and uncle(s) and brother(s) are prefered to drive white & orange vehicles as the official colors of the organization. Cousin(s) have not officially been accepted into the family thus they may drive any colored vehicle their prefer until accepted.
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Kicked from virtuous?:troll:

And No ermak he doesnt realise
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I read this as the adderall family - came home disappointed and un-stimulated
Oh, someone does a casual ORG many did before. Let's start being mean and rate his post dumb.

It's not copied, so stop saying it. Everyones ORG is the same anyway.
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