Welcome to
Coast Familia's Forum page
Our Background
In the late days of 1980 A poor , family called The Coasts were living in a old , and broken house.
There was one brother who had tons of ideas how to earn money , but they all involved getting in trouble with the law. But all the family came up with bad ideas like. Selling the house and living on the streets. Selling our stuff etc..
So they ended up selling all there stuff. But the boy who came up with all the ideas , but in the end result they would of ran into the law. He decided to run away Into the cold and dark streets of Rockford. He worked part time jobs earning money , once he reached 18 he did them. . . He did all the plans he had thought of as he was a kid. And look where it took him now.
To Paralake.
He made a organisation named after his family. With all of his friends and then had a quest to be the richest man in the hold Town.
And this boy was.
Caine Coast.
Our Aims
The Coast Famila's aims are to become rich and have a fancy , fast vehicle
Grow our popularity
Grow our Firearms making and firing skills.
and many more....
The Family Roster.

The Weaponry
The AK47
The M4A1
The Barrett M82

The M4A1

The Barrett M82

The Family At this Moment
The Boss
Caine Coast
Dylan Coast
Soldier (s)
Alliances / Enemies
We wish to ally with the Standish Family , as loads of your members are our friends.
We only wish to Enemy when it is necessary!
Your sincerely
Mr. Caine Coast
The Family boss of The Coast Familia
I do not take any credit for the images of the weapons
thats all from Bollis Organisation page
I do not take any credit for the images of the weapons
thats all from Bollis Organisation page
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