The Punto Emporium

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Welcome to The Punto Emporium Homepage

Here you can find information about the store and view common enquiries

Founder(s): Punto Love
Manager(s): Punto Love

The Punto Emporium may have only had its name since 2019, but our store has been selling goods since 2015 under the previous name 'ALDI'


Our best sellers are bandages and stimpacks, however you may find some specialbuy items from time-to-time
Purchasing greater than 5 bandages or stimpacks will earn you a discounted end price


Our store changes location very frequently; if you're unsure of our whereabouts, look for the breezeblocks in popular areas or see our advertisements in the newspaper


Common Enquiries:
Why are your bandages and stimpacks sold higher than the crafting price?
Crafting these items is a very time consuming task, so buying more than 1 bandage/stimpack makes crafting more worth it as they are sold at a discounted price when purchased in bulk.

Why is TPE's front entrance so small?
Our entrance may only fit 1 person at a time for security and safety. Our shop floor is raised to give a better view of the store.

Do you craft and sell weapons?
Very often. Our HK45 CTs are very popular.

What is a specialbuy item?
These are items that we do not normally sell, such as weapons or furniture.

We class 'bulk' items as items sold at a capacity greater than five at one time.
We do not condone the harming or murdering of anybody, including members of the PLPD, EMS or FDP. Dead or unconscious bodies may not be stored in our establishment at any time and will promptly be removed if found.
Weapons must be concealed when browsing our store, unless excused by a store partner.
We do not allow the usage or growth of illegal narcotics in our establishment. This includes cigarettes and methanphetamemes.

This page was last edited on Sunday the 18th of April 2019 at 12:21 PM
Last edited:
The Punto Emporium has undergone a few changes. Our sign is easier to notice in particular, and now we are able to supply a wide range of Pistols, Rifle Ammo, Pistol Ammo and Shotgun Ammo. Periodically, we will sell some Specialbuy items which can be found for lower than crafting-price.


︻╦╤─ Indicates the current Firearms Level of Punto Love.

☩ Indicates the current Crafting Level of Punto Love.

Is the Contact Number for Punto Love.