The Sweatervest Trust

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Welcome to The Sweater Vest trust!

First things first; what are sweatervests? Sweatervests are commonly refered to as new people to the city who quite often speak another language and can be quite ignorant to the laws as they do not have a full knowledge of them. Here in paralake city the laws are quite different to any other country and the scenarios are quite hard to get used to. For example, there are loads of raids, muggings and suspicious people who take people for a ride and the people never come back, if you know what I'm talking about.

What do we do?

Here at the sweatervest trust, we love sweatervests! This is because we have all been in that situation, unless you were born here, but even as a baby you were still a sweatervest. So we have training classes to teach them the laws and the bad things that happen in this city, not to make them leave, just to make them aware of what is going on. We also collect donations to put towards clothing, money and housing for sweatervests as most of them are homeless.

How can I help:

You can help out The Sweatervest Trust by donating either money or items like clothing that will be helpful to a new sweatervest, here at paralake city we take everything seriously, including the sweatervests, that is why this trust is here to make them like our society today! (Not to do the bad things).

How can I be recruited?

You can make an application to join The Sweatervest Trust here:

The Ranking System:

Sweatervest Father:

Jonathon Good

Sweatervest Brother:

Sweatervest Recruiter(s):

New Staff:

Stefan Bachmeier

Contact and donation information:

Work Number: 696-6357
Bank Number: 4443516

Sweatervest Headquarters: Coming soon...
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As long as you aren't helping out any of them sreggin the KKK will be fine with your sweatervest helping activities. If not, expect to see the farm for a couple of days.
We are going to be hosting a training class tomorrow at church to teach the sweatervests about the city, how to avoid crime and how to deal with certain situations. Also, there will be some money going out to the sweatervests that attend the church. If you pretend to be a sweatervest to claim a reward, we will find out and we will hunt you down, this aint just like a hospital you know, we're armed too.

Hope to see you all there!
The sweaters are probably going to shoot you when you give them a gun.
The Sweatervest Trust update:
Hello everyone! This is an update of the changes that are going to be made to actually make a difference instead of just giving out training classes and small amounts of money that sweatervests take as a joke. A small part of that may continue however, from now on I am going to be making guides on perpheads forums of how to do things for sweatervests. For example, How to level up firearms (Sweatervests) or A guide to making money (Sweatervets).

Some of the techniques may sound simple on some guides but that is because most of you know exactly what you're doing and you've been playing the server for ages now. Some of the money techniques may be making drugs and a guide to it but when you first started, did you grow small? Did you know where to buy pots from or how to craft them? A lot of us didn't know straight up and there weren't many guides on the forums telling you how to do it, so now I am going to take the advantage of that and do it my self. Also, if if our community The Sweatervest Trust sees sweatervests that have just joined for the first time, I will say in LOOC to go on the forums and look at my guide after they have read the rules on the F1 menu.

As a lot of new sweatervests join the server everyday you may see my advertising my guide links in OOC to make sweatervests aware of paralake and how to do things, as a lot of them don't go to the forums, they just want to play the game.

So, the update may be temporary or permanent depending on how this update goes and depending on the amount of sweatervests that found it useful.

So thank you for reading this update, and we hope we can make a difference for all you sweatervests out there.

Kind Regards,
Daragh / Jonathon Good.
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