Thought I would do a cheeky wee late introduction....

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Hi there people, Danny here. I'm 15, and i'm from the one and only, Northern Ireland.

Some of you may know me as the great, 'John Bishop' in game, and the majority probably dont even know me :p.
I've been playing on PerpHeads for quite a long time now, and have never felt the need to introduce my self. I started like 2 years ago, ish, and played every now and then, but never really got into it. Over the summer, I had nothing better to do, so thought i would go onto this for a while. From there and on, i made some friends, some enemies and have really enjoyed it. I began growing drugs, raking in the dosh and got really into it. I still come on after summer, but I'm doing A LOT of coursework.etc for school so i dont really get the chance to come on.

There you go, introduction for the one and most beloved, DannyD.
Hope I meet some more perculiar people, and hoped this helped for people who didnt quite know me ooc, so basically everyone... Cya Ingame!

angry english man.jpg
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2.3 Unnecessary posting
Hi there, welcome to PerpHeads! Enjoy your stay and be sure to read the rules!
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