UBER - Start your Career Today, with UBER.

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Georgia, United States

Welcome to the Career Page for UBER. First off, we would like to thank you for thinking about becoming part of our team. Please make sure to refer to the Job Requirements before applying for a position with UBER.

Job Requirements The job requirements are listed below. Please make sure that you fully meet all the requirements listed below; failure to meet these requirements may equal in a denied application for UBER.

  • You must be at least 18 years of age (in-game age).
  • You must have driving experience in Paralake.
  • You must know the directions of Paralake very well.
  • If you have been convicted of any crimes in the sort of kidnapping with vehicles; you shall not be hired.
  • You must have a 4 door vehicle, that can go at least 40 Miles Per Hour.
License Agreement By applying with a position with UBER you agree that your record shall be checked within the Paralake Police Department, you agree that your application can be denied at any given time; you also agree that UBER can deny you for any type of crimes that were not mentioned on your record.

Apply for a position on our website.
Website: http://paralake-uber.webnode.com/

UBER Transportation Company
Good Luck!

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General Information and Questions
First Legal Name:John (but my friends call me G)
Last Legal Name:C-Garand

Have you been convicted of any crimes within the past 2 days, not including tickets.
[ ] Yes.
[x] No.

Do you own a 4 (four) door vehicle that can travel at least 40 MPH?
[X] Yes.
[ ] No.

Do you know your way around Paralake fairly well?
[X] Yes.
[ ] No.

Have you ever got a DUI within the City of Paralake?
[ ] Yes.
[X] No.

Short Answer Statements and Questions
How long have you been living in Paralake? For about 1 to 2 months

Why do you want to become part of UBER? well i have past "Uber" experience but i'm not saying where from because thats a secret.

I also have management when it comes to paper work (paper work is the worst btw).

As I have driven a car for about 26 years I think I'm confident getting this job, and please understand i have current have a job ill need to keep but I think UBER is going to be my secoundary job
First Legal Name: Steven
Last Legal Name: Morrisey
Age: 21

Have you been convicted of any crimes within the past 2 days, not including tickets.
[] Yes.
[X] No.

Do you own a 4 (four) door vehicle that can travel at least 40 MPH?
[X] Yes.
[ ] No.

Do you know your way around Paralake fairly well?
[X] Yes.
[ ] No.

Have you ever got a DUI within the City of Paralake?
[ ] Yes.
[X] No.

Short Answer Statements and Questions
How long have you been living in Paralake? I have been living in Paralake for about 7 months now.

Why do you want to become part of UBER? I want to become a part of Uber because one of my favourite things to do in the city of Paralake is to go on duty as an officer and drive around. But if I was an Uber driver then I could actually have fun while driving when I am not an officer and also I would be helping out people around the Paralake city.

Also I love doing the Taxi Driver job but sadly my Vip ran out so I can't do it anymore. But this org could make that happen again without having to (buy vip). In conclusion I think it would be a brilliant opportunity for me and I am looking forward to it if I get accepted.
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