Unrealistic barricades

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Niko's PC
Your Steam/In-game Name:Teemo/Tyrone Davies
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Sneaky/Dave Kearney
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:70663366
Why Should This Player Be Punished: His barricades were unrealistic. As 2 spotlights held up a 1000 pound concrete barrier , his justification was "the wooden board is supporting it" while realistically it would snap in half. I took part in a raid against him and these defenses caused my friend to die.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 0:00 - 0:20
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After reviewing the evidence here is my opinion on the matter.

Realistically a concrete barrier would way a massive amount so with two spot lights under it properly won't be able to support the weight of the barrier and the wood plank would most likely just break.

Rule 3.10: Realistic Prop Placement:
Realistically the weight of the barrier will not support the lights and would most likely crush them and fall down.

I do not know the weight of spotlights in real life but i am pretty sure that they won't support a massive concrete barrier.

Overall i will support this Action request as to me these are unrealistic.
My apologies to anybody that was (in)directly affected by my shitty defense, i don't base alot and especially don't make defenses.

I assumed the two spotlights would've hold the weight since they looked like thick, heavy and stong metal.
is justification was "the wooden board is supporting it"
The wooden board was only there to make sure it wouldn't fall, i put the barrier in the flat slot of the lamp, assuming it wouldn't tip. The board was only there for a bit of support.

I put the top barrier in the flat part of both spotlights,i assumed it would've hold.
ook part in a raid against him and these defenses caused my friend to die.
one thing however i think this wouldn't have made a diffrence if i replaced it by the cinderblocks, just a tought.

I'm not denying i broke 3.10, and i sincerily apologise for what i did, i don't make this often altough that's not an excuse. Sorry.
Here is his steamid: STEAM_0:0:70663366

I will be supporting this as the barrier would definitely break the spotlight and do severe damage to it.
Hi , after reviewing the evidence which has been given from the video given.

I will be supporting this action request
In my view the rule's that has been broken.
3.10 - Realistic Prop Placement.
The 2 spotlights and a wooden board would not hold up a concrete in place , It would of smashes the spot light into bits and possible would have broken the wooden board.

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