Use cocaine

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Netherlands, Tilburg

Main Idea:
Making it possible to sniff cocaine

Why should it be added?: So as everyone probaly knows, you have 3 different sort of drugs in perp. Weed, shrooms and cocaine. You can smoke weed, eat shrooms, but why can't you use cocaine? I thought maybe it is time for Paralake to get high with some sugar

Full description of the idea:
Making it possible to sniff cocaine. After you sniffed some, you will experience a 2 seconds long white screen and hear a loud sound like some sort of kick that goes through your whole body (The effect of the kick could be kinda the same as the effect of an flashbang). when the kick is over you will see everything a bit sharper, like some sort of a focus as is showed on the picture

So to give some actual use to this drug, your FOV (Field of view) will be put a bit backwards, making it that your view will be increased. Also your stamina will go down slower which means that you are able to run for a longer period (could be handy in a police chase) But since cocaine is unhealthy in real life, you will damage your health bar a bit. When using coke you will get slighty bruised. Also there will be a 25% chance of puking when the effect is over.

Ive tried to create an example showing what cocaine does,


(Left picture is without cocaine, right picture is with cocaine)

Pros: Tbh, this suggestion doesn't have much pros, and is not needed that badly. Its just thought that it was kinda weird that you can use only weed and shrooms. Maybe if you learn to shoot with the effect of cocaine, it will help you in gunfights. Criminals will also get a better chance of escaping the cops on foot.

Cons: Paralake will be filled with cocaine addicts




  • focus cocaine.jpeg
    focus cocaine.jpeg
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  • The effect after cocaine.jpg
    The effect after cocaine.jpg
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  • without cocaine.png
    without cocaine.png
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  • cocaine addict.png
    cocaine addict.png
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It would be quite fun actually. It would be the ultimate gansta roleplay life. But then again, there is still weed. And even still people don't use that all too much. It would be good if there was withdrawal symptoms or something. That would make it a bit more realistic. More people going around as high as a kite.
please yes....
When I rp as a homeless dude again I can add my cocaine addiction, to spend my money I got from begging on coke
I think it would be a nice addition and you need to make a discussion thread first made.
There's also meth btw, and this idea could work and it wouldn't take long to implement, I believe it would be added some time if this gets accepted obviously.
Now @John Doe can be a bald crackhead, in perp. @Rafxl_
I do think it's a nice addition, I'd like to see a few uses for it. For example; taking too much will make you a crackhead.
Like my old suggestion said, I would like to see this added, but I want realistic outcomes with it, maybe slight health damage (Like cigarettes but a bit more) and stamina (NOT SPEED) boost.
I like this idea, always wanted to be able to take more drugs in Perpheads.
But Cocaine should probably have more benefits than just the focus, maybe make it so your stamina goes down slower?
I like this idea, always wanted to be able to take more drugs in Perpheads.
But Cocaine should probably have more benefits than just the focus, maybe make it so your stamina goes down slower?

I really like the idea about the stamina going down slower. But as @Thomas DeSimone has mentioned, cocaine also has alot of unhealthy sides like heart problems etc.

I think if it will be added that your stamina will go down slower, that there also must be negative effects.
These negative effects could be:
  • Damages your health bar
  • Will make you slower after the cocaine effect is over
  • Have some nausea when the effect is over (cause your body worked harder then its able to)
If anyone got other ideas for negative effects,or dont agree on the idea Dilan came with. Let yourself be heard

This stamina idea is only an idea and is not yet added to the original suggestion!
Have some nausea when the effect is over (cause your body worked harder then its able to)
I like this part the best, I think that throughout a whole 30 minutes or hour on the server after using cocaine, you should have nausea which slows you down and makes you puke often, this being the part of withdrawal, so if you use cocaine again, your sickness will go away until your cocaine wears off again.
Just an idea, maybe after you snort the coke , you get left with white powder near your mouth. This would make it so cops could spot someone who has done cocaine recently. The power could last 5-10 minutes.
After rewatching this suggestion from a few months ago, i've seen that the pictures have gone missing. Ill try to fix it today

Nevermind, already fixed!
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