Very late introduction

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So i have been part of perpheads since November of 2022 but i realise i haven't ever actually "formally" introduced myself to the community. So here i am!
For those who don't know me yet, I'm Niko Bellictova, OOC I'm Shaquille Oatmeal and im in the org Scoia'tael (still no idea how to pronounce it o-o) i've been part of a couple orgs during my time here; Corleone, Lagunov, The Alliance, once i even tried having my own org but it sadly didnt last very long xd
I have put about 1200 hours into this server over the course of almost a year and they were all amazing. For the past 7 years i have been struggling with family and personal issues. Since I started playing perp it has always been a sort of escape from reality for me. I could be myself and actually talk to people normally. For context, i have issues speaking to people IRL so its always a very good feeling when i can fit in somewhere and have a proper conversation with someone. I don't mean for this to be some sob story but perp has helped me get through some tough times. And i have met lots of amazing people along the way! I made my way to the rank of corporal in the plpd which was also an amazing experience. You can always approach me if you have any questions or want to be friends.
For those who i have spent quite alot of my time with will have noticed i am not as active as i used to be a few months ago. This is due to my schedule and interests changing. I have been playing other games like war thunder, dayz, enlisted, rust... Despite already having had a time where i took a break from perp, and now being less active, no worries, i'm not leaving anytime soon. However, I obviously will be less active than before.
Special thanks to:
@Lao Ming
@Elias Burning
@Hypnoticluke (missing you man!)
@Eric Jonson
for making the past (almost) year absolutely unforgettable! Very sorry if i missed anyone
Not sure what else to add to this post xd
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Hope you're feeling well though, you got Hell Let Loose?
Maybe we can hit up there incredibly fun game my friend.