Police Suggestion Voting the next Chief Of Department

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Sheffield United Kingdom
Suggestion Title: Voting the next Chief Of Department
Suggestion Description: As I saw the news of how the most recent Chief resigned, I picked up a realisation that there is 3 Deputy and 1 has to be chief. So I was thinking that there should be a democratic vote. The chiefs give their speech on how they would run the PD and the Entire PD can cast a vote on who they want as chief.
Example: Who do you want as the new Chief?
A1L ( Speech )
Sean (Speech )
Acerius (Speech )
None of the Above

Why should this be added?:
There is currently three Dep Chiefs. One of them has to be the next Chief of Department.

What negatives could this have?:
Rigging Votes.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: This will solve and be easier to pick the New Chief of Department.
Direct democracy is a horrible idea, especially within a gmod community…it’d just be a popularity contest even though one of them would likely win anyways. I think it’s safe to trust that server ownership is going to pick whoever's got the best interests of the PD in mind…if we opened up votes I’d bet Jay hatch comes top 5
Direct democracy is a horrible idea, especially within a gmod community…it’d just be a popularity contest even though one of them would likely win anyways. I think it’s safe to trust that server ownership is going to pick whoever's got the best interests of the PD in mind…if we opened up votes I’d bet Jay hatch comes top 5
Exactly, plus A1L deserves chief so he can be large and in charge even more. That’s just my opinion though.