辛迪加負責人/Head of Syndicate: Is the leader of the syndicate.
顧問/Advisor: Is the advisor for the Head of the syndicate. Gives advices to the leader.
儀式策劃者/Ceremony planner: Is the one that plans all ceremonies, it's also our senior monk.
沉默的兄弟姐妹/Silent siblings: The men and women that is in this rank are silent. But also our greatest warriors.
僧侶/Monks: The monks shall be at all of our ceremonies, they shall also listen to the senior monk.
修女/Nuns: The nuns shall be at all of our ceremonies, they shall also listen to the senior monk.
勇士/Warriors: The men and women that are ready to fight with their own blood. They shall obey Silent siblings/沉默的兄弟姐妹
下屬/Underlings: New members of the brotherhood, not fully trusted yet or not ready for war.

''If you would know what brotherhood really means you would never fuck with mine.''
Ways we kill:
1. We tie and gags a person, we put him/her in a sack. We then tie the sack and throws it in the water at the docks. Some times we only tie them (example)
2. We tie the person and gags him/her. We put the person in a cardboard box, makes some holes in it and then throws it down in the sea at the docks.
3. We tie and gags the person, lock him/her inside a room with a dog that have not eat on two days. We keep them locked inside until the person has been eaten alive.
4. We bat the person down with our steel bats until they bleed a lot, then we bury him/her while him/her is breathing his/her last breaths.
5. We put the person while hes/shes vulnerable on a table. We then put their head in a ''vice'', crushing their skull. (example)
(private right now)
Member Count: 3
How do I join?
Have an Asian player model.
Have a Chinese name.
Wear white (exceptional)
Application Link: https://perpheads.com/threads/wánglíng-syndicate-application.9619/
This thread is strictly IC, and is only for roleplayers.
2. We tie the person and gags him/her. We put the person in a cardboard box, makes some holes in it and then throws it down in the sea at the docks.
3. We tie and gags the person, lock him/her inside a room with a dog that have not eat on two days. We keep them locked inside until the person has been eaten alive.
4. We bat the person down with our steel bats until they bleed a lot, then we bury him/her while him/her is breathing his/her last breaths.
5. We put the person while hes/shes vulnerable on a table. We then put their head in a ''vice'', crushing their skull. (example)

(private right now)
Member Count: 3
How do I join?
Have an Asian player model.
Have a Chinese name.
Wear white (exceptional)
Application Link: https://perpheads.com/threads/wánglíng-syndicate-application.9619/
This thread is strictly IC, and is only for roleplayers.
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