Warning Dispute (Headline)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Headline
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: Tyla
Your Roleplay Name: Tyla Davies
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:593328437

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User, whilst being ziptied, was told to "shut the fuck up or be killed" to which he yelled on his microphone.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I am writing to dispute the recently received warning, as I believe it was released in the error.

To clarify, at any point I was not engaged in any disruptive behavior during the time of the warning, such as shouting or speaking on my microphone. I did not raise my voice/yell let alone talk. Additionally, I have not received any report against me or any messages that my behavior was in violation of the perphead rules.

I have a warning from a misunderstanding or baseless claim. I will appreciate this if you can review the circumstances and provide me with any evidence or specific details that is being issued.

I am confident that once the situation is completely reviewed, the misunderstanding will be cleaned, and the warning can be overturned. I give importance to the Perpheads community and always aim to make a positive contribution to it and I like to roleplay seriously here, so I will appreciate your help in resolving the matter.

Thank you for your time and attention on this issue. I look forward to your quick response and to remove any confusion.
What exactly is the misunderstanding? You were told to shut up or you’d be killed, and seconds later you began talking again. Additionally, I can see you were talking shit in local chat, insulting the gunman assumingely while you were tied up, this would also be a violation of 3.4.
What exactly is the misunderstanding? You were told to shut up or you’d be killed, and seconds later you began talking again. Additionally, I can see you were talking shit in local chat, insulting the gunman assumingely while you were tied up, this would also be a violation of 3.4.
my mate was in the other room and he failed to abide to gunpoint i stopped chattin once he told me to do so
What exactly is the misunderstanding? You were told to shut up or you’d be killed, and seconds later you began talking again. Additionally, I can see you were talking shit in local chat, insulting the gunman assumingely while you were tied up, this would also be a violation of 3.4.
i did not talk yet alone YELL as the warn says i did i would like the clip and i was never report for this
You did talk, you can also see the shit talking you did whilst ziptied under gunpoint in the clip as well.

i was asked was there any other plants or people in the house and said no then i realised there was so i was giving him an answer to the question he asked me
also i could easily edit that shit its laughable and he didnt report me kid
i was asked was there any other plants or people in the house and said no then i realised there was so i was giving him an answer to the question he asked me
Where is he asking you this in the clip?
funnily enough its cropped to only the part where i speak once!!!
funnily enough its cropped to only the part where i speak once!!!
At what timestamp is there a cut, and additionally, why did you delete your POV that was previously recorded?
At what timestamp is there a cut, and additionally, why did you delete your POV that was previously recorded?
cleared out all of my clips and i never said there was a cut im saying theyve trimmed off half of the story
i said yo to indicate there is more plants so i dont get killed for lying to him!
he asks me is there any more people or crops i say no i realise i lied and try to tell him there is actually to prevent myself being killed and i get killed anyway and a warning even though im pretty sure the user didnt report me which is nice
There is more than enough context in this evidence, you were clearly told to shut up and seconds later you begin speaking again. Your excuse makes 0 sense, it would’ve had some sensibility if he had asked you a question immediately prior to telling you to shut up which was not the case. Why did you try to claim your mic was muted previously?
There is more than enough context in this evidence, you were clearly told to shut up and seconds later you begin speaking again. Your excuse makes 0 sense, it would’ve had some sensibility if he had asked you a question immediately prior to telling you to shut up which was not the case. Why did you try to claim your mic was muted previously?
He asks me questions i tell him wait till my boys come and a threat he tells me to shut the fuck up a few seconds after this was instantanious and i claimed it was muted previously as i have 3 mic input methods and it isnt on most of the time
also he did ask the quetsions literally a few seconds before saying shut the fuck up the clip is cropped to make me look bad the guy doesnt even have 3min clips which is bare minimum
i had a 3 minute clip prior to deleting it and headline shouldnt be able to warn me because he has a vendetta against me and i was not even warned

Nothing you’re saying makes sense and your claims are ridiculous to say the least. You clearly violated 3.4 (x2) by insulting a gunman while you’re tied up and disobeying clear and direct commands which resulted in your death.

Furthermore, it has been brought to my attention that you were disrespectful yet again over discord and OOC, as a result you’re going to receive a complimentary upgrade to a Server ban due to your inability to conduct yourself respectfully. This serves as your final warning seeing as you previously have been banned for disrespectful conduct including homophobia. Conduct yourself respectfully or you’re not going to play here, “kid”.

Reviewed with @Nazeer @torbizzle @Scoot
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