Warning Dispute (phoondos)

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Reaction score
hicktown lake
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @phoondos
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: scxlpyz
Your Roleplay Name: fredrick elguzmen
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:5834604535

Why were you punished?: 5.1 - User initiated a mugging by forcing someone out of a public space.

Why should this appeal be considered?: The individual was within the apartment as he was within the frame of the door, the door would be classified as part of the apartment and could no be closed as he was standing in the frame. Therefore I do think I have the right to gunpoint him due to him already trespassing on the property. The individual got themselves involved with a situation they had nothing to do with while also being a rival group giving more reason for me to gunpoint him when he sets foot on my property.

Additional Information: Aquaa advised me to dispute this as he mentioned it would fall within the perimeter of the apartment and therefore I'd be in the right to gunpoint the individual. I have no hatred towards Phoondos but just wanted the warning to be removed simply so I don't get judged by other staff members due to it being on my record. It would make my record a lot cleaner with it not being on there, If this dispute does get accepted could I have the weapon back that I felt pressured into giving it back to the individual due to the report from Phoondos.

@phoondos has the weapon that you would have retrieved in this situation, so you can contact him to get it back. The other user was already punished for his actions in the video. Yours will be removed.

@A1L @Collier @Oddy @3izu
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