Website Bug Report (Forums are slow)

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Type of Bug: Website

Description of the Bug: Forums are slow

How to reproduce the Bug: Use the forums on any modern web browser, specs or internet speeds don't matter. Trying to go on a thread takes more than 20 seconds to load, sometimes typing something returns in an error which results in you having to retype everything because the server didn't respond in time (shoutbox for example).

@Hayden has also observed this issue. No, I'm not being discouraged.

Time Stamp: Since 12th January or so?
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This happens to me as well everyday. Not only is it slow, if I try to load more threads in different tabs in the same time I get this.1642618562732.png
They are really fast for me. Can you maybe try it now and see if it is still slow?
They are really fast for me. Can you maybe try it now and see if it is still slow?
Its been like it for about a week or 2, I assumed it was my connection but after trying multiple other methods 5G, work wifi ETC its still slow. Mainly just loading threads is slow.
Open the chrome console (ctrl+shift+j), then go to the network tab, reload the page and see which part of the page is the ony holding everything up.
Open the chrome console (ctrl+shift+j), then go to the network tab, reload the page and see which part of the page is the ony holding everything up.
This is when it took longer than usual to load the page

Looks like you are both stalled for exactly 10 seconds, that is certainly odd. I don't think it's a server issue(since I am not getting ti), can you try using a VPN and see if that works?
I honestly think the problem is OVH, I got a couple websites hosted by OVH myself and sometimes of the day this just happens for unknown reasons. I dont think the problem is the forums