Weight gain! :O

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Niko's PC
Hello, many know me as Teemo . I'm 12 years old and under 5 stone (underweight af)!
Im trying to gain weight , but healthily, I have signed uo at the gym (David Lloyds) and am going to exercise regularly. I am gonna spread out my meals as well.
Any other tips apart from healthy shakes?
Regular eating schedule. I am currently trying to gain weight as well: with a B.M.I of 12 I am severely underweight and have an aim to gain 21KG before I am considered a healthy weight. As I just mentioned: REGULAR eating schedule; even if it is just a small bowl of cereal in the morning, eat it, if you can't manage big meals, like myself, just have a 5 meal schedule such as:
> Morning: Small Breakfast
> Prior to noon: Brunch! Make a hearty meal out of this.
> Mid-day: LUNCH TIME! If nothing hearty go for something that feels filling and is substantial.
> Evening: This meal is just as important, remember to have a larger meal around now, you'll feel awake enough to do so.
> Night: A bit before you go off to sleep, have something small but hearty - ranging from crackers to a bowl of soup or even just a buttered slice of bread or two.

Of course you could change what meal is where, try make a variety of foods including a snack of fruit or something (satsumas., bananas, apples and etc) or sometimes switch the breakfast meal to a bacon sarnie or something a but bigger than usual but never forget or leave out a meal as it will take you out of sync and make you want to eat less. As you're still in school and all, use the breaks effectively to eat a little bit if you can't get a substantial meal for that time, but remember that if one meal is slightly smaller than usual, another meal should increase in size to balance out the food loss of the prior meal. Overall, keep it regular and keep it filling.
IMPORTANT: Drink lots of water and occasionally juice, as dehydration can make it harder to be motivated to eat: orange juice is a good supplement to a schedule like this in some of your meals but don't go over the top as it can give you the shits.
Good luck -Joey.
I'm like 5 stone or something and 14 nearly 15 so you know idk i eat so much shit and don't put on weight. Its just me
easy way ;)
You're going to the gym at 12? Jesus when I was 12 I ate bare candy and did not give a fuck.

Edit: I honestly thing going to the gym at your age is pointless. I guess you could go on the running machines, but I think its best fun to run outside. Also I think your maybe too young to work out on your arms, abs and legs and stuff, as your body is still growing (not sure though)

Also if you do end up going please try not to injure yourself. It's only I have done this so many times when I first started the gym. Also try and get some friends to go with.

Have fun!
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McDonalds :fredy: Special Chemical Shit.
Nah but just eat more than you usually do? Just try and eat more and things that will help digest food better such as vegetables. And hitting the gym at your age is not needed at all, you can just run outside? That's what I do atleast.
It's probably best you see a doctor or something, I have no idea where you are from but if you're from the UK, just go to your local GP and seek advice from them. I don't think anyone here can give you proper advice for being underweight.
According to teachers, you're supposed to work out with only your body (push ups, etc). Wouldn't hit the gym at that age.
Without going into too much detail, if you still find yourself struggling then get tested for hyperthyroidism. I've got that along with a few other things which severely affect my weight. For some people "eating more" is just not a plausible option.

Gym will help. Not only will you be big and sexy like @Youseff but it will leave you hungry. To be frank, sitting playing PC all day is hardly going to work up an appetite.
Im 14 stone and 6'2 at 17. Only recently started going to the Gym for Youth Rugby, Youth football and Seiniors.
and for the birds

Weight gain at your age best thing is Protein Shakes, eating Chicken and tuna. Problem is they'll make you shit ( too much protein ). Try to manage your intake depending on your normal diet.
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