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Gangster's Paradise
Wassup chuckle nuts!

Here's a video update of what's going on with myself and content that I'm planning on releasing in the future.

It was thrown together in 30-60 minutes but it's better than a bible verse.

Still dipping my toes in to the idea of coming back but rest assure that the projects I started will be released as promised.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully watch the video

I got a Team Fortress 2 medic operating on my face tomorrow so hopefully he clutches.

Big Love to the new people I've met and even bigger love to the old timers.

If you don't know me then follow this
go into Jennifer's, speak to the npc and ask for fashion advice. You will receive a copy of my magazine

Big-Ross 29:11
Perp Testament
Get back on you’re draining my org xp….

You already know what it is bro much love ❤️
Yeah fuck that guy @rogue he only cares about stupid traffic laws and hooptie cars...

Things will be better keep dropping the sauce on em :cool:
I relate to your story, I couldn’t walk for years because of a surgery. Hoping for success, trying to not despair, training to recover, coping with the life changing effects it has and more are tough challenges. I promise you After your hardship, there will be ease inevitably.

Stay strong and God bless you brother, <3