Worst food / restaurants you’ve been to

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I was once a firm believer that there isn’t really bad food items, only bad varieties of a food item.

I’ll go over things I genuinely thought was disgusting:
- some ”French” Bleu cheese I ate this at some fancy ass restaurant in disneyworld Florida. Since I like Blue Stilton cheese I thought I’d like all blue cheeses, but this stuff tasted like how an old sock smells. I dunno if it was the Americans being unable to produce French cheese or if it’s just cordon bleu in general.

- Jellied Eels. There is a possibility that mine were off or a bit past shelf life but it was in date by about a day. I thought I’d like it since I think I’ve had eel before, but there was nothing good about it. First bite I thought it was okay, bland fishy meat in fishy jelly, but then the second bite did me in. I ate about 3 slices. I tried washing the jelly off of one piece and trying it without the jelly but it was abhorrent. I’ll never eat that stuff again. If I go to a “proper eel and pie shop” I’ll try their house made stuff, but in regards to supermarket shelf stuff I’m set off for life in that regard.

- Denny’s restaurants in California and florida: All the Americans here will know the horrors of walking into a Denny’s. For the lesser travelled brits: Imagine if weatherspoons was a bland diner, like the backdrop of a scene from friends, but the food is worse. I ordered a rare steak on one occasion and there idea of rare was they cook 1 fucking side.

- Rainforest cafe (literally everywhere) Gristly steaks, ants were everywhere, food was boring in taste and poorly prepared.

- Half chicken from my local fish and chip shop. They had a super expensive rotisserie only for them to instead of serve chicken fresh, Serve chicken they cooked yesterday or 2 days ago and keep it under a heat light for 24 hours, drying it to shit and rendering a quarter of it inedible.
Did you manage to go to any nice restaurants in Florida or were you just on a mission to go to the most ghetto places ever?
"fancy ass restaurant in disneyworld Florida" gg
They have restaurants with foreign chefs working with imported ingredients, I shit you not. Actual 5 and 4 star restaurants. It’s not a theme park, this shits a whole ass resort with 6 parks, 32 resorts / hotels, 90 full service restaurants with a 4 star average, a whole shopping centre with cinemas, restaurants and even a fucking sosa and co cigar store.

His fault for choosing to eat literal mold. Freak @Bnej
My brother ordered a cheese platter and that came with it, no one else was gonna eat it…

Did you manage to go to any nice restaurants in Florida or were you just on a mission to go to the most ghetto places ever?
I did, we got a Denny’s coupon when we rented the car in Florida IIRC, in California though it was because Cracker barrel was closed and one more maccies meal would have killed us all instantly.