Model Suggestion Wrist Cosmetic

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Suggestion Title: Wrist Cosmetic
Suggestion Description: 1) Allow a variation of wrist cosmetics (Watches) to be worn with long sleeves but make them fit on the far part of the wrist so they can be included in a outfit

2) Add wrist chains. Like the watch variations we have now but instead of being a watch or a ring, it’s a chain around your wrist.

Why should this be added?:
- new fashion choice
- accommodate more selection of outfit
- more ways to spend your money on expensive things
- It’s limiting having to only wear short sleeves when wanting a watch, so wearing one or anything on wrist should be made possible if feasible.

What negatives could this have?:
- too much work on making the long sleeve wrist cosmetics compatible
- models glitching into each other if not done right

What problem would this suggestion solve?: N/A
The chain around wrist is a cool idea. But about the watch on the sleeve idea i dont know honestly because it may look goofy
Great example of what could be done to fix this, when wearing a long sleeve of any kind, the sleeve automatically pulls back if you have a wrist accessory.
I like the bracelet/chain idea however I'm not fond of the pulling sleeves up or the "make it fit" approach, nor do I think it will be worth the development time to make this achievable for all the long sleeved clothing.
As long as a variation of the suit can have sleeves rolled would be kind of nice.
It'd be gangsters in suits with drip raiding.
But that's just opinion.
I like the bracelet/chain idea however I'm not fond of the pulling sleeves up or the "make it fit" approach, nor do I think it will be worth the development time to make this achievable for all the long sleeved clothing.
would it be too hard to make a smaller version of a watch work with the long sleeves to fit on the wrist or make the game shrink the model of the existing watches a player owns to fit the wrist? Like lets say a way that someone wears a suit and a nice watch with it.
Have to agree with the suggestion. I hate wearing short sleeved clothing but I also want to be able to wear more drip on my wrist, could the watch not just be placed a bit higher up on the wrist if wearing long sleeves? I see plenty of people irl wearing a watch with long sleeves and you can see it clearly, not covered up by the sleeving.

To add to this suggestion rather than making a whole new one for a slight addition, I also think adding some neck accessories would be cool. Currently we have no options for neck, would be nice to be able to wear a neck chain or a necklace with a cross that would sit on top of whatever shirt/jacket/jumper your wearing. Also adds more customisation and another way to stand out amongst the hundreds of players while providing another money sink.
Im struggling to see how this would be possible without editing every long sleeve clothing model, it would just cause clipping issues by placing it further up or down, hence why its currently locked to short sleeves.

I will do some more brain storming on a possible solution.


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