Loejseren Messages 586 Reaction score 1,731 Points 600 Location Denmark Jan 6, 2016 #21 yolo last seconds. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198082324735
MrLewis Messages 1,693 Reaction score 4,435 Points 620 Jan 6, 2016 #22 I want in! http://steamcommunity.com/id/mrlewis122/
Creepis Messages 7,021 Reaction score 18,221 Points 1,200 Location North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Jan 6, 2016 Thread starter #23 I've overslept But that's fine, some more people got to join and have a go at it. Here are the results, had a bit of struggle with ShareX and it's settings but it worked in the last minute (Proof can be found inside the spoiler) And the winner is... Spoiler: Winner @MrLewis ! If I don't already have you on my friendlist then please add me on my profile! steamcommunity.com/id/Ace67 Thanks for participating in this giveaway and better luck in the next one!
I've overslept But that's fine, some more people got to join and have a go at it. Here are the results, had a bit of struggle with ShareX and it's settings but it worked in the last minute (Proof can be found inside the spoiler) And the winner is... Spoiler: Winner @MrLewis ! If I don't already have you on my friendlist then please add me on my profile! steamcommunity.com/id/Ace67 Thanks for participating in this giveaway and better luck in the next one!
John Daymon Messages 7,408 Reaction score 17,201 Points 900 Location IKEA - Northern Europe Jan 6, 2016 #25 Of course Lewis' wins.... fucking rigged just because he likes shisha
Alex_:D 3 Messages 10 Reaction score 164 Points 170 Location Parts Unknown Jan 6, 2016 #26 More rigged than the Brazilian elections
MrAaron Messages 2,236 Reaction score 7,882 Points 645 Location Birmingham, United Kingdom Jan 6, 2016 #28 Yes please. http://steamcommunity.com/id/CrustyCob/
Teemo Messages 1,125 Reaction score 1,669 Points 620 Location Niko's PC Jan 6, 2016 #30 Yes! I was just thinking about buying this but I dont have the money rn