Ellie's Enforcer Application

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i don't know why everyone seems to be replying for Ellie? Did she forget how to form sentences?

The thread have been locked/unlocked but I can talk for myself :D I don't know how a post can make you change your mind of me, my reputation or my ability to have a positive attitude towards people more than ask them to contact me in game or the forums and interact with me to see that I'm not as negative as some people might make it look like. We all have people you don't agree with and when someone apply for a position on the staff team everything comes to light and attention will be set on everything, good or bad. I don't think anyone in the community have everyone loving them and won't question what they say or stand for, but threads like this is open for everyone to speak their mind and I'm totally for critique if it's constructive criticism that's useful and not "omg she's toxic -support" and nothing else.
I'm really grateful for people who supports me and have noticed that I'm friendly and approachable. The reason I haven't been posting in the thread cause its been locked and unlocked and I don't want to spam the thread. I'm hope that answered some of your questions :p

I don't want to change who I am or what I stand for just for one enforcer application, I know I'm kind and mean well and not mean to hurt anyone. And "bants" can't be one way street and then turn into toxicity when someone is applying for something.
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