[ENFORCER] Acerius' Application

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London, United Kingdom
Previous Position Obtained: January 25th 2014
Demoted From Power: May 31st 2014 (Inactivity)

"A lot of people are probably very curious as to the reason behind my demotion; there are no sides to this and I will not sugar coat it. The reason is painted in black and white for you: "inactivity". Still, this raises the question behind this inactivity. There were private reasons behind this which, I am aware, the senior administration were perfectly aware of. I'm not saying their decision to demote me was out-of-order because it was justified. There were plenty of people at the time of whom deserved to obtain an Enforcer position and it would've been best for me to of been demoted to give them a chance. If you still have any queries behind this, feel free to contact me via Steam."

In-game name: George Oxford
Real name: Joseph
Current age: Thirteen (03/10/2000)
Country of residence: England, United Kingdom
Steam alias: Acerius
Steam ID:

Reason for application/why should you be an Enforcer?
I feel that I should re-obtain my position as an Enforcer on PERPheads as I have years of experience behind me and I already know most of the in's-and-out's of the PERPheads administration. I am very obedient and fast-acting when an individual breaks a rule or when another member of staff requires assistance with a staff sit. It has become apparent that there is a huge influx of player reports and issues rising in the server daily and that my fast response times will greatly benefit the server. Sometimes it's clear that the staff can struggle at times with the influx of reports being filed and in my opinion I feel that an extra member of staff could be greatly beneficial. As I stated previously, I am highly experienced with well over two years of being in a number of administration positions across communities in Garry's Mod and other games such as Minecraft. I am sure there are many who will agree with me.

I'm extremely fluent in 'Oxford' English and I often write my own novels among other written pieces. I can both communicate verbally and via text on the server depending on what the individual(s) prefer. As said previously, I am very obedient in the sense that I shall do a job quickly (as long as that job is within good reason) and I am fast-acting when an individual is either in distress or has broken one of the rules. I also feel it is necessary for me to note that despite my age, I am (surprisingly) very mature and have demonstrated this on many occasions and I am sure there are people who can confirm this. I am rather appalled when people look down upon me and stereotype because of that unlucky number - individuals fail to understand that in some cases age is not exactly relative to an individual's behaviour or influence. I hope that you will agree with me on this agenda and take it into account.

I'm very familiar with the PERP gamemode itself and my time on PERPheads has obviously made me a lot more articulate which'll allow me to help individuals more effectively who have queries related to the gamemode itself. My judgement, in most if not all cases is always fair and justified. I will always take the opinion(s) of others into account when making these tough decisions and I always value feedback from this. I never sugar-coat a situation and will try to cover it from all angles. I've played on many serious roleplaying gamemodes such as CW:HL2RP and other gamemodes which are not linked to roleplaying such as TTT, Murder, Minigames and more. I have experience in a lot of specific fields of roleplay itself; I'd hate to blow my own trumpet but I feel that I am one of the better roleplayers in PERPheads. That's not to say I am the best because I am sure that is certainly not true in any case.

The reason behind my demotion from Enforcer was inactivity. However, now that I have resolved my private issues and that I am now in a better place where I have access to a computer more often, I will be able to be on the server for a 'reasonable' (not excessive (hours on end)) amount of time every day. Obviously, with anyone, there will be anomalies in this and I may not be on for a day or two but I will always make up for that. However, due to my computer now being static, I will not be available on weekends but I will be on during holiday seasons and so on. I agree that weekends may be the time where there are most players but weekdays are equally as important as I'm relatively sure some of the older members of staff may have to work late. As always, real life comes first and I cannot be on the server 24/7 but I will always make an effort to be on it when necessary and my activity will improve.

Previous staff positions/have you been an administrator on any other server?
I have been a member of staff on many occasions in multiple communities on a variety of Garry's Mod gamemodes and other game platforms. I have also owned my own community, Anatron Studios, an on-going project which was eventually ceased due to the lack of interest and the inability for me to run it any further due to my private issues. I have also had many management positions in communities ranging from a Head Administrator to a Manager/Director. All communities have different interpretations on a staff hierarchy and I can safely say I have been on either end of that pyramid. I have even worked beside many people which are currently in PERPheads at the moment and I am fairly certain they will be able to vouch for me in the long-run. I am flexible and will happily take any position that is offered to me having a universal experience in most common positions.

As I have stated many times in this application, I have well over two years of experience in both roleplaying and server administration. I have mainly performed these tasks on roleplaying servers but this is not solely limited to that as I have also been a part of administration teams on multi-gaming communities and others such as TTT, Murder, Prop Hunt and much more. I have also been a member of staff on many servers in Minecraft and I currently am a Server Administrator and Faction Leader of the Church of Notch for Roleplay Revolution. I also hosted and was the Server Manager for their RUST server for a good amount of time. Despite this, I will still be able to dedicate myself to PERPheads for a good majority of my time on the computer and I will hopefully balance my time on both servers effectively. I do not hold any other positions in any community at the moment.

Are you active on our TeamSpeak 3 server?
I only usually come onto the PERPhead's TeamSpeak 3 server when required to do so (staff meetings, debates etc.) and will very rarely come on for social discussions. However, I realise that as much as it is a requirement I find that the 'activity' part of it is ambiguous. Yes, I have it and will come on it when needed to but it has been made unclear to me whether I will need to come on to socialize with others. I know this would be an added bonus but I do not particularly like doing so as it can be very distracting for me. If someone really needs to discuss something with me in the TeamSpeak 3 server than I will, obviously, come on. Upon becoming Enforcer, however, I will obviously be operating in the help channels as much as I can and when needed to do so but I much prefer to transfer my skills in-game rather than on the TeamSpeak 3 server but I am still able to use it whenever necessary.

Another thing I would like to add onto that is that most of the time members of staff when logged onto the TeamSpeak 3 server usually have their microphones and headphones muted. It's understandable that they may be dealing with something in-game or roleplaying but they will stay like that for hours on end. Many of the discussions that occur on the TeamSpeak 3 server are not particularly ones I wish to partake in anyway. I hope you will come to understand this and take due note. It may sound like a disadvantage but please remember that I do use the TeamSpeak 3 server when 'necessary' and that upon having access and being on it occasionally counts as being active on it. As said previously, the requirements for this are rather ambiguous and everyone will have a different interpretation on this agenda to myself. I hope that in future this shall be improved for other applicants.

Additional information/do you have anything else to say?
I would like to add that you may of seen a conversation between me and Chicken multiple times in the OOC channel. As much as I have asked him to stop flooding OOC with it, he continues to ask me unnecessary questions and make stupid comments which nobody wants to know about. Even after telling him multiple times myself he's had to be told by a member of staff which also got me into a bit of trouble as well. I'm not trying to shine a bad light on Chicken, but I'm defending my corner and trying to shed some goodness as some of you may have a negative opinion after seeing that 'domestic' as Moron put it in OOC. I hope that this will not in due course affect your opinion and that Chicken will take this into account when discussing things in the future with me. As stated previously, I am not trying to place a bad light or feeling upon Chicken at all.

There seems to be some slight confusion about my demotion. I had actually been asked to resign from my position and I did so diligently and posted why I was resigning. I was not demoted forcefully, and responded well to the feedback given to me from the Senior Administration. I hope this clears up some confusion. Also, I was inactive because of some issues in my foster placement which I wont go into. All I can say is that I was not allowed my computer there and I am now in a new placement.

Contact information

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198126899326/
Forums: https://perpheads.com/member/277-acerius
TeamSpeak 3: Acerius
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Your nans house
-Support pretty sure you was disrespecting Finlay yesterday, which you got a warning for. Not sure enforcer material is disrespecting players.
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-Support, I Personally dont feel like u can handle this Position anymore, Atleast after what u said about Finlay.
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-Support, disrespectfull against finlay. Just no.

Sucks that you typed so much, it is even more then senlin. And that was like 10 pages
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JarredInator said:
-Support, disrespectfull against finlay. Just no.

Sucks that you typed so much, it is even more then senlin. And that was like 10 pages
GG standish.
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-1 Aserious aka red paradoxin you left enforcer before you also went innactive you have had enforcer twice now and to be honest all this backchat and rudeness to finlay like i did just give him a break.
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London, United Kingdom
I'm rather upset that you've all replied to this without properly reading the application. You've all given an extremely biased and ambiguous reply with no constructive criticism what so ever to help me improve. Also, I've noticed that a lot of people insult Finlay on a day-to-day basis and I barely insulted him in the first place. When he asked me to stop, I ceased so. It was one 'cheeky' comment and I'm not saying that it was justified or right but you're all singling me out. No, I'm not victimizing myself what so ever and I'm not saying that I think you should all go away, I'm saying that I would appreciate a little more information on your reason behind the -support and giving me some feedback which can be acted upon, please. Thank you.
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London, United Kingdom
[PH]Chicken said:
-1 Aserious aka red paradoxin you left enforcer before you also went innactive you have had enforcer twice now and to be honest all this backchat and rudeness to finlay like i did just give him a break.
Only had Enforcer once. I transferred over from RedParadoxin.
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Acerius said:
I'm rather upset that you've all replied to this without properly reading the application. You've all given an extremely biased and ambiguous reply with no constructive criticism what so ever to help me improve. Also, I've noticed that a lot of people insult Finlay on a day-to-day basis and I barely insulted him in the first place. When he asked me to stop, I ceased so. It was one 'cheeky' comment and I'm not saying that it was justified or right but you're all singling me out. No, I'm not victimizing myself what so ever and I'm not saying that I think you should all go away, I'm saying that I would appreciate a little more information on your reason behind the -support and giving me some feedback which can be acted upon, please. Thank you.
Nothing what you said in your post and nothing you could say excuses you from being a generally disrespectful person towards a lot of people and that's not what the staff team needs/wants.
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Parts Unknown
Acerius said:
I'm rather upset that you've all replied to this without properly reading the application. You've all given an extremely biased and ambiguous reply with no constructive criticism what so ever to help me improve. Also, I've noticed that a lot of people insult Finlay on a day-to-day basis and I barely insulted him in the first place. When he asked me to stop, I ceased so. It was one 'cheeky' comment and I'm not saying that it was justified or right but you're all singling me out. No, I'm not victimizing myself what so ever and I'm not saying that I think you should all go away, I'm saying that I would appreciate a little more information on your reason behind the -support and giving me some feedback which can be acted upon, please. Thank you.
Like how you don't say anything when i'm ripping into Finlay on ts.
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Hung Chows Home
+ support, I have changed this for the following reasons. Your activity is back up to an acceptable amount to take a staff position back and you clearly have the required skills to capably enforce the rules as you have been in this position before.
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London, United Kingdom
Acerius said:
I'm rather upset that you've all replied to this without properly reading the application. You've all given an extremely biased and ambiguous reply with no constructive criticism what so ever to help me improve. Also, I've noticed that a lot of people insult Finlay on a day-to-day basis and I barely insulted him in the first place. When he asked me to stop, I ceased so. It was one 'cheeky' comment and I'm not saying that it was justified or right but you're all singling me out. No, I'm not victimizing myself what so ever and I'm not saying that I think you should all go away, I'm saying that I would appreciate a little more information on your reason behind the -support and giving me some feedback which can be acted upon, please. Thank you.
A weird interpretation of rude. On OOC when I asked Chicken to stop, I said it firmly; that's not being rude. A lot of the staff are already 'rude' to not only each other but others too.
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1. No, i'm not going to waste time on reading someone's application if they have that attitude against other people.
2. So what if other people insult finlay? Does that mean you can do it aswell?
3. "1 cheeky comment" is 1 to much.
4. Don't expect us to comment 30 sentences when someone acts "cheeky" against someone that is like you already said " Getting insulted on a day to day basis"

Sorry man, it sucks that you got demoted for inactivity because i found you a good enforcer back in these days, but this is just no.
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Acerius said:
I'm rather upset that you've all replied to this without properly reading the application. You've all given an extremely biased and ambiguous reply with no constructive criticism what so ever to help me improve. Also, I've noticed that a lot of people insult Finlay on a day-to-day basis and I barely insulted him in the first place. When he asked me to stop, I ceased so. It was one 'cheeky' comment and I'm not saying that it was justified or right but you're all singling me out. No, I'm not victimizing myself what so ever and I'm not saying that I think you should all go away, I'm saying that I would appreciate a little more information on your reason behind the -support and giving me some feedback which can be acted upon, please. Thank you.
The thing is me and chrissy have a joke i call people names as a joke just calm down find out what jokes are
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Your nans house
ArnoldGerkin said:
Comments exceeded limit:

In response to Jarred - Is there a secret circle of people in the community who can have 'banter' with others and not experience any consequences? It seems to me you are saying 'It's okay for others to bully Finlay but Acerius can not.' Why should anyone get away with bullying Finlay?

It seems getting staff positions on the server is based on how well liked you are throughout the teamspeak community over how well you can do the job. If somebody applying was rude to a lesser known member of the community (in particular someone who does not use teamspeak) I bet it would not be mentioned at all.
Nobody is saying that Gerkins. It's stopped. But Alex can pretty much get away with anything he likes without consuquence which he knows this. But when you're trying to get Enforcer it isn't clever.
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