[Enforcer] Blackdown

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IN-GAME NAME: Ethan Limsley / Blackdown

AGE: 13 ( December 13th, 2000 ), Nearly 14.


STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:51410733

Something to take note on: I have been active now for around 2 weeks, this coming up week I am on full Holiday, meaning I will have tons of time to really work up even more than I already have. If you haven't seen much of me, you will definitely see a lot of me this coming week.

About this application: Let's just start off with one simple explanation. I wasn't banned from the rank Moderator, I was demoted for inactivity. The full story behind this was that me and Lewis Robertson were on the server with one other person along with an Enforcer. We were both showing the other two what the skybox was what it was like to be a Moderator, then as a joke Lewis banned me for, “Fag, lols,” then had trouble removing it and I had to go since it was 3 AM for me. I would also like to say that, while in the past as a Moderator, I was always a bit overwhelmed. But, I was a great Enforcer. Even then, that doesn't hinder my chances at becoming a Moderator, as everyone changes, and so have I, I've grown older, more mature, and now have a much better understanding of the rules. Although this application was used initially, I used it again because it contains the same meaning that I put into it when I first made it. In all this, all I ask for is another chance at being an Enforcer at first, we don't have to jump into Moderation yet, or at all in any matter.

Adding on to the statement above, the Enforcer and Moderator ranks are very VERY different. I was promoted to Moderator because I was a GOOD Enforcer, I was demoted because I was one inactive and two because I wasn’t the best Moderator, which is entirely true. HOWEVER, over the course of six, almost seven months, I’ve experienced many more in life things and gained knowledge from these. I’ve become more mature and learned what my mistakes were as a past Moderator. In this, I ask for Enforcer, to evaluate myself as a staff member again.

Although I have just returned, quite a few staff members and ex high ranking staff members can surely vouch for me when I say that I can efficiently handle a situation with the assistance of a staff member for simple reasons, ex. Banning, warning, obtaining the player, determining the final verdict, etc. In my two weeks back I have already dealt with two players, resulting in their bans, multiple warnings, and spoken to many players about rules that they are breaking and how they are breaking, resulting in the matter of them further understanding the rule and what they did wrong.

WHY SHOULD YOU BE AN ENFORCER/HELPER: I believe that I should become an Enforcer because I feel that I can be a good Enforcer as I was before. As well as a good contribution to Perp-Head's staff team. I also feel that I should become an Enforcer because I see players everyday breaking the rules and others not doing anything about it, with myself only able to deal with them to a certain degree. Another reason that I see no one doing anything about it is because I am usually on during times when other staff members are not due to me living in the GMT -7 timezone. This helps because most other staff members live in Europe rather than my time zone or somewhat similar to mine. I am usually online from about 6 - 7 AM and 5 - 8 PM GMT on weekdays and on weekends I am online from around 9 AM - 9 PM GMT time giving me the chance to help while others cannot. I am a very active player and in my opinion, a great staff member too. I have very good grammar and can speak very well english. I can communicate with even the toughest players and can usually figure out a solution for rule breakers. I feel like I know the rules quite well and that I could enforce them properly.

Something to add onto this, is that I've been a Helper, Enforcer, and Moderator before, so I know the punishments, ban system, warning system, rules, laws, and all around everything there is to know to be a staff member.

I also believe that I should become an Enforcer because I have a know-how of punishments and what to do in situations that involve problems. For example in a situation where my friend has RDM'ed a cop because he gave him a ticket then went into a situation with me and DC'ed I would not only ban the player for a reasonable amount of time, but I would also treat my friend with the same respect and equality that I would treat another player that has done the exact same thing that my friend has done to get him / her banned. ( I know that Enforcers cannot ban, I was just giving an example

I have two bans on record ( Perpheads bans ) and no VAC bans. I feel that bans shouldn't matter in this occasion unless they were serious bans. My two bans were for stupid mistakes that I made and am honestly sorry about, and they were only two days aswell. I also feel that my timezone is the perfect one for this server because it is when most admins or moderators are not online and when I can help the server the most. I see players all the time breaking the rules and when I could help but I cannot, and I would love to be able to do so.

I have had tons of experience with being a staffing rank meaning Enforcer, Mod, Administrator, or even Owning a server. I have done all of these and I still do but I feel that I am especially committed to this server and that I really understand all the rules, laws, players, and the correct punishments on this server. As being an Enforcer I would always make sure to do the right thing and to never break the rules. I already know the rules thoroughly and I think that some Enforcers do not know all of the rules and may just abuse their rank. I want to be an Enforcer so that I can help players that need it and deal with rule breakers that get annoying. I know how being an Enforcer works as I used to be one.

One example of this is what happened today. Dealing with multiple rule breakers, I felt that I handled the entire situation as professionally as possible. During this, I explained all the rules that they broke, why they broke them and they ended up getting banned as a result of Ayjay's Ban Request that he made as he was there with me at the time, spectating the situation. I feel that this situation, has truly proved that I know the rules, laws, and proper punishment, even after being gone for so long, because I've been looking over the rules and building up a much stronger understanding. I finally feel that I am again ready to become an Enforcer and do what I did before, except much, much better.

I feel that I am a very good Role Player and that I could help improve others RP'ing and rule following if I were to become an Enforcer. Many people have been with me in an RP situation and I believe that they can support me in saying that I am a good RP'er and a good rule follower. I have a total two weeks, nearly three meaning enough to fit the requirements. I would love to help out the server even more than I already can as a regular player and Enforce the rules and help make the server a better RP'ing place.

While playing Garry's Mod, I have about 600 hours, all mostly spent on Perpheads. Stating this, I feel that my experience in role-play is very high, therefor meaning that I would have tons of experience and good judgement in RP situations.

HAVE YOU BEEN ADMIN ON ANY OTHER SERVER: Yes I have been on quite a few. One being Perpheads, all the way up to the Moderator position. Others too, however they were not Garry’s Mod servers but very similar in the sense of RP. I am a very trusted administrator on these other servers and they are quite popular aswell. I infact own one currently and find that I own it quite well. ( Just my opinion )

Although some do know of my bans and three warnings, I apologize for them all. Two of the warnings go with the most recent ban and the third warning was for an immediate problem that I had to solve and I should have been safer instead of running across the highway. What happened was I was a SWAT officer and the Mayor was corrupting the city on purpose. He had just recently given the SWAT team a van right before the bank robbery took place. When the alarm ran off, I first looked both ways before crossing the highway, then dashed across to go get the van. I know this was a mistake and I apologize for it, I was rushing and I probably should have taken the underpass. The first ban on record was a mistake between me and Ind, I was talking to him during an admin sit about a traffic incident or something like that and I misunderstood him when I thought he gave me permission to go, when in fact he was not done talking to me. I made a ban appeal, and was unbanned shortly after. The next ban was a big mistake and I felt no need to make an appeal because I know what I did and I made a rash choice that I shouldn't have made. I got into a situation with some other people and they tried to mug me. I had money in my pocket ( About 11k ) that I just used to purchase some clothes and other stuff. As I was walking back to the ATM to return my money they mugged me and I pretended not to have any money. They then told me to drive off and I backed up slowly to 'look at a house' because I was considering purchasing it. As I backed up to it they shot my car. I went up and tried to take one of them out by hitting him with my car and missed.

I understand that this was a huge mistake and that is why I am posting it here, to show you all that I am sincerely sorry and that I have learned from my mistakes. I really want to help this server and I feel that I am more mature since my last incidents and that I have learned from them. Since these experiences and other personal mistakes in real life, I have much improved my game play, choices, RP, helping, and just in general playing. In real life I have changed my way of thinking very hard before doing something that I know may not be right or not. In this, I hope you understand that I am trying to change and that I am pretty much there and I feel that I am ready for this postion, however, if you feel different please tell me, I would love to hear your reasons

(Please note that recent means around a year ago, I am just saying recent because it was the last ban I ever received.)

I would like to add one last final thing. People have been forgiven for their bans and been unbanned, staff members have regained their positions, even gone higher than they expected. So before you are so quick to judge and to tell me off for being a bad mod, I’m not that same person before. Now you and I have both heard that a million times, and some of the time it’s true and some of the time it’s just a big lie. But let me tell you this. Why would I be lying if I take out my time everyday to go on the server, sure I enjoy it but there’s more. I’ve never been the kind of person to just be a normal player, I’ve always stepped up and gone above and beyond. Now why would I contribute and be here spending my money and time if I didn’t want to benefit the server. I don’t donate just to get the perks, I do it for the benefits that it brings. Now back to my main point. I have changed, and if you give me time and watch over me, you can see that. I’m not that same kid anymore, I’ve woken up to what I really have to do and what everyone really expects of me. All I am asking is for you to do the same and to be on the same page as me. I’m ready now, and I realize I wasn’t before.

I am active on Team Speak, not much more to say for this, but I am active.

I would love to hear your feedback about my application and my in-game activities. If you give me + Support or - Support or +/- Support please give a reason why so that I may explain my reasoning and improve my application for the better. Any support would be appreciated, aswell as negative support ( Only if you feel that I have done something negatively. ) would be appreciated so that I know where to improve. All feedback is great! Thanks

* I have good understanding of the rules
* I have been with the community since December ( I joined the site in January )
* I used to be a Helper, even when the rank wasn't available anymore, Enforcer, and Moderator.
CONTACT INFORMATION Skype should just be blackdown_. My steam is: Blackdown

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As a first note, I will tell you that I have only seen you once a week ago or two, so I don't know if you are the person who tends to break rules, help people, mug government employees etc. I will be editing the post when I get to know you better and when I have read about 1000 words on your nice application! ;)

I will -Support this. Until I see you help people and enforce some rules or whatever you should do with an enforcer title I will change my decision. P.S. it's like reading 10 pages of Harry potter, try define the application into shorter explanations, thanks!
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Leeds, England.
Blackdown, have my opinion.

Due to my recent inactivity I do not know if you have regained activity within the server so I'll go by when I was a staff member.

You're a person who I feel had a lack of control over many situations you were placed in, I and other people tried to help you and tried to advise you on how to actually improve; this was ignored and your inability to control situations carried on.
Your inactivity was a major concern, but this obviously coincided with the fact you weren't amazing at reports.

You also abused a lot, and I'm not going to list situations where I and others saw you abusing because I am sure you know these times.

Also a few weeks ago, when you just came back you abused the ticketing function as a cop to 'stop' two people and talk to them about the rules - They were wrong and you were advising them and them two people are now banned but you were speaking in the middle of the highway abusing the ticket function in a OOC way when you had no power nor ability or right to do that.

I'd like to cross-reference a quote I posted a long time ago, I think I was talking to Rayoz who is now permanently banned with 21 warnings.

"You cant enforce the rules to other people, if you can't enforce them with yourself" - AyJay 2014


Please wait until you're ready.
I'm going to go ahead and give this a -support.
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Deleted member 5920

Seems like a nice guy, saw him once, never again, rip in Blackdown? Maybe Blackdown is not kill? Maybe he applies for Enforcer?

But on a serious note, I don't feel you're active in OOC/help or even on the server. Your skybox shenanigans gave me a bad impression of the staff team, I was but a sweater vest so I had a bad attitude towards admins after that point. -Support.
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United States of America
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I understand everyone's current point of view on this, as I'd like to state, I have been active OOC'ly and dealing with many situations. My inactivity does play a role in this, however as I stated in this I am on at different times than some players, resulting in why you may not have seen me. This past week I was a little less active due to a test coming up tomorrow, however I'll be on all week and very active, so, I'll see you then.
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HBG skåne
I dont think you should be an enforcer since the bans you give are not fair at all! Do you remember when none was roleplaying at 4am and you suddenly perm bann me? And because of that i have trouble to get myself unbanned i know i got alot of bans and warnings but perm ban when YOU dont even roleplay and when other players dont even roleplay to! I gotta give you a big -SUPPORT!
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We were all roleplaying at 4am.Remember when we had a car race?, me you and andii.After a while you started to abuse your powers by using physic gun on our cars and throwing them away.You also became swat and noclipped to the roof and started to randomly shoot at people and their cars.I also got a video of you shooting my friends many times while you were in an admin sit. A big -Support like Andii said!
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The-Devils-Son caught you meta gaming through the OOC chat function. I do not know why he has not told a higher rank to proceed with a punishment of some kind even when having evidence.
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The senior administration team do not feel that you are ready for the position. If you are thinking of applying again, try to be active on our Team Speak 3, help out in /help and check the forums regularly. However, we appreciate you are showing an interest in joining the staff team.
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