JBirksy's Helper Application

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STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:68130601


WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I first joined PerpHeads back in 2015, as soon as I started playing I was hooked and looked up to the staff members as role models as they were always happy to help and really made a good start to my perpheads role-play life. This is one of the main reasons I would like to become helper, I want to be the role model to new and even old players who can always be there in-game to help out with any questions, scenarios etc. This would also be a really good way for me to give back to the community that I have gave so much of my time and effort to.

However, in 2018 I decided to leave the server and focus on other things I had going on such as exams and more important big things. Recently I have had the time to be on the server a lot more often and it is giving me as much fun as it use to when I use to playback in 2015-2018, I have come back and quickly learned everything that the server has changed such as the new drug system and I have thoroughly enjoyed doing so. This also ties into me teaching a few of my friends how to play perp, this was a challenging but fun task that I was presented with, I had got them started with guns, growing, fishing, and all of the aspects to role play and found so much fun while doing so as I had to explain rules to them along the way. This made me realize how fun I find helping people out especially on a server that I believe to have thorough knowledge on. Now I see them come on every day growing, buying guns and cars and having good fun. Alongside this I find my self helping people out in help chat and OOC quite often, the main moral of the story is I am really enjoying helping out and also just teaching new and old players the rules and how to play and have fun!

I have finally come to a point where I can say I have happily established my self within the community and have a large set of knowledge on the rules and all the different aspects of RP. I feel like being given the responsibility of helper I can make more of an impact on the community as I can actively take action when I need to help people or even enforce minor rules. It also appeals to me in the way that I could help everyone on the server know what there doing to increase the quality and experience on the server, with fewer rule breakers and some good RP situations.

Finally, the staff teamwork really well to make the community what it is today, and I want to be apart of it to give back to the community that has given me hours of endless fun. I feel like I can now be apart of that team and do my part to make the community even better. I am very active and have all of my real-life commitments sorted out, I have a stable job, which helps me commit more hours to the community and no more education which forced me to break in 2018.


I feel like there are multiple reasons I should be chosen for being a helper and they are as follows:
  • I'm approachable
  • Friendly character
  • Loads of free time
  • Active on the forums and the server
  • I'm honest with anyone I speak to
  • Calm in all situations with quite a laid-back attitude
  • Previous experiences in staff teams
  • I'm not a shy character
  • I help as much as possible in OOC/Help

DO YOU HAVE ANY RELEVANT EXPERIENCE?: I was previously Admin on ZARP servers, the DarkRP, Deathrun, and I was a moderator on the ZARP TTT server. Although this was a long time ago I do have experience of being in meetings, handling rule-breakers, speaking to many different characters. I also learned a lot about being able to sit from a neutral perspective no matter who I was dealing with and just many situations that I experienced that could possibly be similar/hold similarities to perp.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: Thank you for taking the time to read my application, I will see you in the server and around on TeamSpeak/forums.

  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week (press Q in-game to check this) ✔️
  • No warnings within the last month or bans within the last month, this includes both the forums and the server. ✔️
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them. ✔️
  • You must have access to and use a consistently clear and audible microphone. ✔️
  • You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server ✔️
Reaction score
+Support - JBirskys has done a lot of stuff in quite a short amount of time since his return; he's helped sweaters, invited his friends to the server ( which have bought VIP and still play actively) and actively helps in help chat.
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