Nate Enforcer App

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STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:114176403
AGE: 19

I've been playing perpheads for years, with 3 months of playtime I can say that I truly want to get involved more in the perpheads community. I love the server and the community. In my time here I feel like I've never done something meaningful, bar my unreal selfie thread shit posts and the odd bit of rememerable moments on the server. I really enjoy the server and I'd love to get involved in the community more.

I feel as though I could make a great contribution to the staff team. I realise that throughout the years I wouldn't be considered as a dedicated player, with my cheating ban and my many past bans and warnings. Though I do believe that I've changed this attitude. I've found myself less enjoying running around and raiding and running around just acting like a regular goon. I've recently been a lot more attentive to the huge influx of new players and newer players finding the community. I remember when I first joined, the server was a lot different but it's changed in many great ways. I would like to make the server more enjoyable for new players and help them as much as I can. I believe that my experience throughout the server gives me a good position as an enforcer, with good judgement and no bias I believe I would be a good addition to the staff team.
  • I am patient - I have worked on my patience and ability to work with others. I believe that working on this will also help me with future, real life conflict.
  • I am active - I play for a few hours everyday and try to be active on the forums also.
  • I am friendly, approachable and unbiased - I have been known to be toxic in the past but I have matured and can say myself that clearing this has made me mentally healthier too.
  • I can communicate efficiently with the community and staff team - I believe proper communication is key to any functioning team or community, my job in real life requires me to interact and communicate with many people everyday.
  • Confident - I am confident with myself, with the rules, the community and with my decision making.

  • Your time played on the server must be at least one week.
  • No recent in-game bans, warnings or blacklists on record, this includes both the forums and the server. (1 month)
  • You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can enforce them.
  • You must have access to and use a microphone. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: Recently I haven't been as active, but I would love to be able to play the server while also helping others. I've found myself getting tired of the same old routine of logging on and checking organisation chat for places to raid. I have been staff on various servers in the past and I really enjoyed those experiences. I would love to join the staff team and use my years on perp and my own experiences to help others. Any criticism or feedback is greatly appreciated. I've applied twice in the past.
Thank you for reading

Past Applications:
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Didn't think the day would come they grow up so fast :(

Honestly there's not alot to comment on everyone already knows you're the most person ever on perp there's just nooooo way this doesn't get accepted. Give this man his role now!!!
Reaction score
This simply needs to happen, Nate has been around too long to not be given an opportunity to prove himself, he's great on the server always sporting a positive attitude. +1 +Support
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