Palodhi’s helper application V2

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AGE: 13

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:81111055


First helper application(denied):

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I want to be helper of course, to help people. Helper is a vital part of the server because it’s a way of helping newer or older players with what they ask but without also having to deal with reports or rule breaks. This is also a important role to prove to members of the community that they are capable of being enforcer which gives people more of a chance of actually being able to get enforcer eventually. I also want to prove to people that no matter how old or young someone is, they can still do the same things that a younger or older person can do. I also want to be helper to start doing more passive RP and helping the server have more RP as a whole. The server lacks of RP at the moment and I think I can change that if I’m given the right things to so. I also want to make the server easier to join and get into the community without being either being confused or clueless on what to do.

WHY SHOULD WE CHOOSE YOU?: You should choose me over other applicants because of my playtime of course which is now teaching 2 months and 14 days I think. This gives me a lot of knowledge about the server so I can actually help people without not knowing it myself. My age is another reason, I know I’m younger but I want to set myself as a example in the community so it makes it easier for other young people to get in the position that I reach. I have a strong knowledge of the rules now which would help me in this role teaching newer players them meaning less rule breaks. You should also choose me because one of my main focuses at the moment is helping newer players, as soon as I see one I try to show them how the server works and all the rules. With this role, it makes it easier for newer players to find me because they can see I’m a helper and what my name is, therefore allowing me to help them.

DO YOU HAVE ANY RELEVANT EXPERIENCE?: Well I hold quite a couple of admin roles throughout the PD such as TFU trainer, RTU trainer and Investigating officer. These would help me because they have similar skills and qualities needed for both roles. These include leadership for when i‘m helping run the training sessions and the stages for RTU and TFU which could help me if arranging certain passive RP events on the server. I also have good communication for either talking to other trainers when doing these stages or talking to other investigators on a IA I’m working on, this would help me if I’m staff when I need to give info out to the community or talk to other staff. However, the most important skill is initiative, if this is trying to make a compromise for a different training session or somethings gone wrong on a IA and I need to think of a different way to approach it, this would help if I was staff to have different ways of dealing with situations or if something had gone wrong.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: Well a couple of things mentioned in my old apps was my age and my record. First talking about my age, I know I’m younger but I try to be more mature then others at my age, which I don’t know if I do well but I try. Also I don’t see what’s wrong with a younger person becoming staff as they still have all required skills and qualities to do so. Then my record, recently my record hasn’t been great which I realised so I took a good amount of time each day reading through the rules and reminding myself what they were. So hopefully I can show that to everyone because I know in the past it hasn’t looked great regarding my record but I would like to improve it.
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big support dude deserves this position than anybody on the helper market rn, very friendly face think he'll fit in 100%
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Great Britain
It’d be hypocritical for me to say anything about your age considering I was 14 when I applied for enforcer and only just 15 when I was accepted, age is a very controversial topic when it comes to applicants and whilst there are some amazing points on either side of the argument, I don’t believe age will necessarily affect someone’s ability to be a Helper. Enforcer is a different matter but that isn’t the role you’re applying for here.

In my experiences with you I’ve known you to get a little carried away in certain situations and I feel you do quite deeply care what people think about you, which isn’t a bad thing but even as a Helper there are situations in which you won’t be on the right end of the stick and will need to express an unpopular point to people, which they will have a hard time understanding and it may well affect their opinion on you. This observation may however be outdated as I haven’t really been around you recently, the point here is that if you’re applying for this position you will need to ensure you aren’t influenced by what people may think about you and if you can assure us and prove to us as a community that you aren’t then you’re golden.

As for server and rule knowledge, you’ve got quite a poor record which whilst I know a lot of it is from a few years ago, there are still some recent infractions. One which I feel is relevant is your warning on the 28th where you shot cops a bit too early, in the past you’ve been a little trigger-happy and oriented your entire playstyle around shooting people, which isn’t a bad thing at all, a little variety is always nice. That being said I did see you running a passive RP shop recently which was quite nice to see so kudos for that. I have no doubt in your rule knowledge and I know you do have a good knowledge of the game mode and the rules surrounding it, you just get a little carried away as I said.

It’s easy to say “go and prove yourself more” because of the points I’ve made above, but I feel the only thing you can do at this point is just keep actively playing the server and following the rules and put some distance between that last warning, but I know mistakes are made and as you’ve proven to me, your recent efforts have been to do so.

You’re genuinely quite a nice and approachable person and I wouldn’t mind seeing you as Helper at all, I’m sure you can help people out and if you can stay motivated to doing so, I honestly don’t see why you don’t deserve a chance.

As for feedback, should this be denied then in my personal opinion the best thing for you to do is to mix up your playstyle a bit and embrace these RP ideas you’ve had more, it’s interesting and it definitely makes you look a better candidate for a multitude of reasons. With your most recent warning, I know you can stay in the confines of the rules but like I said you need to be a little less trigger happy and consider situations closer, nonetheless I wish you the best of luck.
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