My leaving thing

See ya mate, I wish to know why you are leaving but thats none of my business.

Have a great time out of PERP, and good luck!
See ya mate, I wish to know why you are leaving but thats none of my business.

It's because I have denied his apology. You shouldn't leave tbh, it's a week ban anyways and he would be unbanned in 2 days (Sunday). This is just a guess, he might have other reasons as he has listed.

Anyways, goodbye mate. Even when you're unbanned (soon) hop on some time and have a gander around, ya? Competetive TF2 is still far away, one man can hope for the update to arrive more early.
creepis trust its not because of the ban if it was that would be silly however come vist me at hungries ( not because im gonna mug you im telling everyone to come to my leaving party)