Ar on dee.

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United Kingdom, Southampton
Your Steam/In-game Name:Moon The Goon/ Tom Henderson/
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Dee/ Mark Read.
His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:51827207
Why Should This Player Be Punished: He shot me infront of the hospital and stored his gun instantly. I think that the way the execution was carried out was a bit unrealistic as their was so many people near by, and the cops were their asap.
Evidence (Demo Required):
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The demo only shows that you were killed by Tony due to a hit, which he may perform if he pleases, and you killing the person who placed the hits friend is a valid reason for you to be killed, and I feel that if Dee doesn't post the demo of which you kill his friend in the crossfire Tony should not be warned or banned as he is incapable of getting Dee's demo. Although if this did happen which I am unaware of then this is valid, it just seems stupid and a miscommunication all round though in my opinion.

The demo only shows that you were killed by Tony due to a hit, which he may perform if he pleases, and you killing the person who placed the hits friend is a valid reason for you to be killed, and I feel that if Dee doesn't post the demo of which you kill his friend in the crossfire Tony should not be warned or banned as he is incapable of getting Dee's demo. Although if this did happen which I am unaware of then this is valid, it just seems stupid and a miscommunication all round though in my opinion.

I think this post is dumb and your beginning to get a bit disrespectful, Tony has no way of getting proof so is he not to RP as a hit man? Of course not, he can take someone's word I imagine.
What a professional kill hahahaha. Do you want a demo or should i make it into a youtube video to save you some time?
Hitman RP is not allowed since it would be classified as RDM as it happened to me before , and he got banned
This was definately a hit, which I was paid for.
So the reason behind you getting whacked is that yesterday morning you were in a gunfight with one of @Dee 's friends. Dee then has some beef with you as you end up killing his friends. I then hear that Dee has some beef with you, and why, so I end up killing you when I had my chance, finishing you off, and disposing the body, which all happenned perfectly without me getting caught.
-Support Dee had a valid reason to want you killed.
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So prior to this hit there was a few shootout between me and my friends against you @Moon The Goon and your friend @Wolfjie aka The Baldy. It started yesterday morning when one of my friends ran you over for snitching on him. Then when we were leaving Wolfjie tried shooting us which lead to a shootout we nearly killed Wolfjie but we had to leave because of the police. We escaped capture but we went on the hunt for "The Baldy" we seen you at the hungries parking lot and the drivers of the cars decided to give you a scare but someone hopped out and fired a shot then all hell broke loose and i killed you and wolfjie. Wolfjie got finished off but you got revived and then snitched on us. So snitching on top of killing 1-2 of my friends perfect reason to kill you. We went to jail and after we got out you were following us around and talking on the phone "Who were the guys with the Aks who shot me". In short my reasons were: Snitching, killing my friends and aiding your friend who tried to kill us.
The hitman got paid and done the job without breaking any rules also noone knew who killed you IC so this beef is now over with me being the last one standing.

Really isnt your week Goon


Well thought i had enough salt to last me this week but i guess i was wrong. To start off with i didn't initiate the shootout at the hospital i simply protected my friends like your friend @Wolfjie also did, he jumped out off the car guns blazing just like i did. It could be argued as self defence IC.
Storing weapons in your car trunk is perfectly fine, if the officer suspected i had stored it he could do a /me and opens the trunk and confiscated the weapon. I believe that higher ranking officers and actually search the trunk without role playing it.
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This is very poorly worded and seems to be all over the place, and there are to many commas. I doubt it'll be accepted because its a perfectly valid reason to want you dead and there is proof for the matter.
After watching Dee's demo and reading the reason why you got killed, I am going to give this AR a -support since Tony was performing the hit in a realistic manner and the guy (Dee) who gave the hit had a reason enough to be valid and not against the rules.
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So prior to this hit there was a few shootout between me and my friends against you @Moon The Goon and your friend @Wolfjie aka The Baldy. It started yesterday morning when one of my friends ran you over for snitching on him. Then when we were leaving Wolfjie tried shooting us which lead to a shootout we nearly killed Wolfjie but we had to leave because of the police. We escaped capture but we went on the hunt for "The Baldy" we seen you at the hungries parking lot and the drivers of the cars decided to give you a scare but someone hopped out and fired a shot then all hell broke loose and i killed you and wolfjie. Wolfjie got finished off but you got revived and then snitched on us. So snitching on top of killing 1-2 of my friends perfect reason to kill you. We went to jail and after we got out you were following us around and talking on the phone "Who were the guys with the Aks who shot me". In short my reasons were: Snitching, killing my friends and aiding your friend who tried to kill us.
The hitman got paid and done the job without breaking any rules also noone knew who killed you IC so this beef is now over with me being the last one standing.

Really isnt your week Goon

You storing, your gun, straight away and killing us infront of the hospital, infront of medics, is just 10/10.

So we got rekt? So, killing 2 people, with pistols is "recking", stop trying to act like billy big bullecks. Because we are aware that all of you, are scared of my org, the reason, why you got your mate to apologies, so you wont go to war with us.

Can a mod, or staff member look into that demo he uploaded please? Because, he can't store the gun, straight away, to stop him from losing, it. If i remember rightly, the officer's were their asap and revived me.
Me, being the action guy I am, was on the scene when @DilanTheSkrub decided to inject a few 9mm bullets into your skull. No rules were broken here i'm afraid, as looking at the footage above and the replys, the hit placement and the way the hit was carried out are both justified and done correctly. I'd appreciate you not just jumping straight onto the AR wagon because someone decided to get a bit mad with you and order your death, because it kind of backlashes when all the behind the scenes stuff is thrown into it. Thanks.
I forgot about the day before, i admit, and he shouldn't be banned
Mkay, you do not wish for him to be banned and admit no rules were broken. Thank you for understanding, I think that's case closed.
As Moon didn't start the shooting, it wasn't his fault anything happened. In this situation, he was trying to save his friend, who was in danger of getting shot.
And with the storing his weapon, he was allowed to do this as it was a car trunk. When somebody stores their weapon in a car trunk, police officers can do a /me to open up the trunk and find the weapon inside.
You're just salty that Moon killed you and your mates that easily, so you went ahead and made another AR when you realised your first one had failed.
Good job, Moon.
To be honest there is clearly some :beef: between you as Dee as you are just trying to get him banned, you made an AR on him before for placing a hit on you for no reason, then when you found out you were wrong changed it to this, you and him should work this out privately as to be honest your just being stupid here, clearly just an attempt to get Dee banned.

He was most likely defending his friends. If nobody did see him finishing them off, he probably wouldn't get arrested if he can defense him self successfully by saying that he was defending his friends. Now to the part where you said that he was storing his gun in the trunk instantly after the shootout, that's completely fine.

"3.18 Storages and trunks- While a player’s life is in immediate danger players must not use their storage boxes/trunks
to avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person."

His life was not in immediate danger and the police was not actually on the way to the shootout, so it was completely fine since he also was able to escape successfully from the police.

Still a -support.
Tom, please just stop the :beef:. You're making an AR on him for shooting you in public when he's believed to have a perfectly valid reason to kill you. If he does have a good enough reason to kill you then he can do it in public as long as he follows 6.3 and doesn't do it infront of NPCs and it's not unrealistic by doing it in public, why would it be?

All this AR is, is obviously :beef:
Therefore, my verdict is going to be -Support
Seems like everyone is getting confused with this AR as he has changed it for like the 3rd time. The original AR he posted was for RDM as i had hired one of my org members to kill him and he thought i had no reason to. ( This is the first video he posted)

Then after realising that i had a reason to have him killed he totally changed the AR. He has now changed it to how i shot him and his friend in front of NPC and how i stored my gun after i killed him. This video is not the hit that everyone is talking about
, This is the hit that go carried out
I noticed you were a bit confused about the situation so i thought i would clear things up at no point did he kill me. The reason i placed the hit was he killed my friends.

The user did nothing wrong in the situation.​
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