Recommendation Of Riekelt

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I honestly don't see how unloading bullets into a wall is a 'good tactic'

I wouldn't reference a SWAT TACTIC to a NAZI FIREING LINE either, SWAT are meant to be professionally trained not neo nazis.
That's not a good tactic that's called ''wallbanging'' and no that doesn't require any training even Finlay can do it.
Spraying down a wall, where unarmed citizens could have been captured behind as hostages? Sure, im gonna rate that "Best tactics".... Or not.

"DO NOT, under any circumstance, “wall bang” (discharging your weapon at a wall, door, of any area without a clear view of a suspect in which to fire upon)."

I'd suggest reading this .... especially when you're spraying at walls like it's cod.

As far as I know this is just a guide and an example that SWAT can work by, @Jordan and I discussed This back when the whitelist was released and we came to the conclusion that if they fire at you through the walls and/or dont have a hostage you can fire back/through a wall if you're Sure about it
You are breaking the swat guide by wallbanging like that. You are puttings lifes unnessary at risk.
this thread is fult of salt and beef jesus christ what has happened.

Why the fuck does any of you care? if you're that dissatisfied just post an AR / complaint whatever. I'm pretty sure watering your keyboards with all those tears will break it
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