Getting Beginner First PC

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Edinburgh, Scotland
Yeah my mates asked me for help tae like buy him a PC cause he's going to get rid of his xbox and convert, his budget is under a £1000 stuck there no budging space although he'd like to spend a bit less so he can get a good keyboard mouse and headset, so realistically around 700-900 but if it's good enough 1000. Also it must be prebuilt, no need to include a monitor and keyboard as he has his eyes on one but if you want you can.

Any suggestions?
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Shit nvm he wants prebuilt I'll have a look
I use this.
Tell him to change the liquid cooling case to the 120mm (cheapest one should be blue)
2 TB cheapest hard drive.
GTX 1060 6gb
Then for Memory choose 2x8gb (cheapest one).
You can get windows 10 pre installed and also order keyboard, mouse and headset with it for quite cheap prices. Should be under 1000.
Also, the watt needs to be 500 min.
Hey pal, I don't know who you are but you know my mate, you know what he's all about, he's 13 year old, he's autistic. Stop replying RIDICULOUS PC's, he does NOT want FEW MINOR SCRATCHES AND MARKS DUE TO GENERAL WEAR AND TEAR. THIS DOES NOT AFFECT THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE MACHINE
listen mate i dont know who the fuck you think you are but all ive tried to do is help you. im not going to stand for this fucking disrespect ok? do it again and ill report you
If he's a student a gaming laptop from pcspecialist would be a good choice but if he wants to get his money worth probs cyberpower
listen mate i dont know who the fuck you think you are but all ive tried to do is help you. im not going to stand for this fucking disrespect ok? do it again and ill report you
Hey mate, you look young so I understand what you're all about mate but you are leaving preposterous PC's for my pal, he is 13 and autistic so he doesn't understand basic english never mind if a fricking pc is any good or not, so bog off mate, stop busting me and my pal which you know what he is all abouts chops
I'd suggest the used market, as you can get some really sweet deals. I found a PC with a 5960X and 2 GTX 980s for about 1000 pounds in Denmark. You could potentially be as lucky as that
Also it must be prebuilt

Quite possibly the worst choice he could ever make, no offense.

You want a good computer and save money along with peripherals? Build it yourself. I built my PC 1 year ago and it's doing just fine, my hardware selection just wasn't the best at the time so my GPU is slowly dying everyday like my self esteem, but forget about that for now.

Put together a parts list for him


Let's break it down, yeah?

i5-7600k, fucking great CPU. Clockspeed of 3.8GHz and it's quad core, paired with the GTX 1060, he won't be getting any bottlenecks and will be able to run literally almost any game at high-ultra settings 60FPS+ at 1080P.

8GB is standard, no need to explain.

1TB of storage should be sufficient for storing games and all.

Phanteks P400 is a great case, I have the tempered glass version (although i am autist and knocked it over and dented it), it's awesome. Comes with a PSU shroud, easy cable management, and is easy to work with.

650W should be more than enough to run this build.

Windows 10 because you need an OS (Unless someone here knows how to get it for free :booty:

And the total is.....


Should leave enough room for a monitor and headset.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions or want me to change it up to fit peripherals like a keyboard/headset, etc, ask me.

Here's the link to the partslist:
Quite possibly the worst choice he could ever make, no offense.

You want a good computer and save money along with peripherals? Build it yourself. I built my PC 1 year ago and it's doing just fine, my hardware selection just wasn't the best at the time so my GPU is slowly dying everyday like my self esteem, but forget about that for now.

Put together a parts list for him


Let's break it down, yeah?

i5-7600k, fucking great CPU. Clockspeed of 3.8GHz and it's quad core, paired with the GTX 1060, he won't be getting any bottlenecks and will be able to run literally almost any game at high-ultra settings 60FPS+ at 1080P.

8GB is standard, no need to explain.

1TB of storage should be sufficient for storing games and all.

Phanteks P400 is a great case, I have the tempered glass version (although i am autist and knocked it over and dented it), it's awesome. Comes with a PSU shroud, easy cable management, and is easy to work with.

650W should be more than enough to run this build.

Windows 10 because you need an OS (Unless someone here knows how to get it for free :booty:

And the total is.....


Should leave enough room for a monitor and headset.

Hope this helps, if you have any questions or want me to change it up to fit peripherals like a keyboard/headset, etc, ask me.

Here's the link to the partslist:
Could also just save 80 pounds and buy the windows oem key on eBay for 2 pounds. Also, buy RYZEN REEEEEEEEEE


I have made @Photon's a bit better
This build is now using a Ryzen 5 1600 hexa-core processor, which is obviously superior :booty:

I also managed to squeeze in 16 GBs of high speed ram, and an SSD for just 57 pounds more.
But as Feng said, you don't need great peripherals

Got to get a Windows key from eBay though

Could also just save 80 pounds and buy the windows oem key on eBay for 2 pounds. Also, buy RYZEN REEEEEEEEEE

[DOUBLEPOST=1503034655,1503033842][/DOUBLEPOST](sorry for double post, please merge)

I have made @Photon's a bit better
This build is now using a Ryzen 5 1600 hexa-core processor, which is obviously superior :booty:

I also managed to squeeze in 16 GBs of high speed ram, and an SSD for just 57 pounds more.
But as Feng said, you don't need great peripherals

Got to get a Windows key from eBay though



Could also just save 80 pounds and buy the windows oem key on eBay for 2 pounds. Also, buy RYZEN REEEEEEEEEE


I have made @Photon's a bit better
This build is now using a Ryzen 5 1600 hexa-core processor, which is obviously superior :booty:

I also managed to squeeze in 16 GBs of high speed ram, and an SSD for just 57 pounds more.
But as Feng said, you don't need great peripherals

Got to get a Windows key from eBay though


I made yours better cheaper

I also put together a parts list in case your friend for some reason decides that it MUST be an Intel CPU

Either way, I highly suggest buying parts rather than buying prebuilt, unless you're able to configure the setup (basically, choosing the parts and they put it together for you).
Putting a PC together should be quite easy, and something almost anyone with a PC should know how to do.
Fuck getting a good keyboard, they don't help you in any way IMO.
I've personally been using this keyboard for more than 10 years (getting a new one for free when they break after 5 years)

This. People that think "gaming" keyboards make them better in games are honestly stupid. It is a complete marketing ploy from greedy cunts that want to dip their balls in coke. Take Feng's advice, just get a Dell keyboard. If he has his heart set on going mechanical, get a Filco/Ducky/Pok3r. Most other brands are just going to rip you off with their "military grade RGB LEDs". Don't get a mechanical keyboard because you think it is faster, only get them for the sound/feel.

The mouse is the only thing I can recommend that is gaming orientated. Get a reputable mouse from any major brand that is comfortable for him.
Cyberpower is a really good company to get one from if he cannot build it himself.