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United Kingdom, Devon
This is fucking quality, weren't y'all just chilling nd watching tv a minute ago? Give backstory pls
Well done, you managed to take the bait and mug us for all our burgers and phones. Then you decided to mow us down for no reason. Now you think you are all big bullecks gj.
Nothing like being shot at by Olsen whilst crossing the overpass.

Like legit, Civs and unrelated government employees were being picked off.

EDIT: Also you gunned down a bunch of unarmed people with assault rifles and two of your own got banned for killing civs, want a medal with this meme?
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When I joined in 2014, people had respect for each other like you describe. When you son Don Paralake walking around, you fucking behaved. If you lost or won a raid, you didn't go on for 5 minutes how someone got fucked rekt. I personally get very upset when someone in Olsen starts talking shit when someone gets destroyed.
Not only is it cringy, but no one wants to see it, nor listen to it.
Sadly, whenever an Olsen members gets tapped like a bitch from 1 mile by an M9, it is not exactly the same story. We have to listen for about 2 months on how that potato member did a 1 tap.

Olsen tries to make a good example, sadly everyone else doesn't. Good post anyways.

Cheap words
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