Glass Co + Parker property.

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So recently due to basing at Glass Co I've had to deal with some officers, not naming names but you know who you are. I got @Super_ to take a screenshot of the birds eye view of the properties and I put together a little picture of what I thought was correct:
Parker and Glass Property.jpg
A few have said this is correct but I have really had any arguments against that so I thought I'd stick in here as its just something I was unsure about.

-- I do acknowledge that if 1 person owns both Glass and Parker / the 2 owners come to a mutual agreement they would own the full gate entry as well.
No its public property
I laughed quite hard reading this clearly someone likes @Samuel a bit too much? You tell me/my friends that the parking lot outside glass co is public? but then apparently Samuel can have his private that doesn't really work does it lmfao. Then after speaking to @Garret_Pp turns out it is private buddy maybe you should stop listening to some icly just because they hold a rank on,
If you own both of the buildings then that private property mark should expand until the gates leading In/Out of the complex. If you own 1 of the buildings and someone owns the other then you share that 'Public' road between each other and that 'Public' area in the photo should still class as private property. Thats only what I think.
Theres a gate there for a reason. Why would there be a gate blocking public property? It belongs to whoever owns the propertys
Everything behind that gate is private property, get a warrant or fucking off pigs
What's your point though, what does it matter where it starts or end? If this is about police stuff it doesn't matter if the road is private or public property, they can still come up to the door for whatever reason.
What's your point though, what does it matter where it starts or end? If this is about police stuff it doesn't matter if the road is private or public property, they can still come up to the door for whatever reason.
My point is cops were coming to the door for no reason other to harass us and then say its public so they can stay as long as they want.
My point is cops were coming to the door for no reason other to harass us and then say its public so they can stay as long as they want.
Yes they can still do that, whenever its private or public. Its like saying a cop can't come to your front door because it would be tresspassing to go trough the yard leading to the door.

EDIT: There is an exception though, if you have someone managing the gates and the cops have no valid reason to investigate the inside.
It would be reasonable to believe the gate is there to mark the beginning of private property, granted both Glass Co & Parker is owned.
If either is unowned tecnically the bank owns part of it which would provide the police with access during the right circumstances.

Or you could see it as a gate leading up to one of those "gated communitites", where sure there is a gate but police will have no problem driving past the guard & gate and onto the public roads inside the gated community.
Under law 11.1 it's illegal to restrict property access with objects or other unimportant-to-this-situation stuff. There's two buildings there and unless you own both, I am quite sure this applies, since 11.1 also states that you are not allowed to do this to a person, who's allowed to enter that specific property or area.

So pretty much it should be this way:
You own both, you can.
You don't own both you can't.

The issue currently as it's not been classified as to if it's private or not. Restricting the outer areas of glass co and parker is basically similar to the office issue that was going on not too long ago. You only rent the insides. Not the whole property. So you technically own only the insides. Don't know if this applies as well to this specific case.
everything behind the gate is private property and only the owners and its friends of the property's should be allowed to enter. If the police wishes to speak to these owners they will have to contact the owners via their phone number. Its not that hard to have a little extra RP in the whole situation.

As what goes for @finlay3110 I was dispatcher on the time he was in a ''stakeout'' there for no reason at all i received numerous calls of him trespassing on the property's and 10.1 which is why this whole post is here now i believe.

I dont feel there is a need to have a whole discussion about this as there are gates for a reason. The little boot to open the gates is where IRL you putt a security man to only allow workers and owners of the property in. and not anyone else as it is not supposed to be public property.
It's private property but just go up to the door and ask to buy some windows or some shit when they open the door run inside and see their drugs 300 IQ play right there.
Yeah it's sort of a grey area, but I'd say anything past the gate is private. Officers should have a lawful reason to enter past the gate, if they want to knock on your door to genuinely enquire about something, you can't really complain about it. It's a little different if they're actually inside your property (through the door of the building), but either way they can enter through the gate (without a warrant) if they have justification.

Keeping in mind that officers are coming inside a car park, they're not looting your fridge. If you're starting a shootout over an officer walking past the gate, you really need to get a grip.