It's time.

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Hey all,

I'm known as Kenty, I started way back on and off as a sweater (still am) back in June-July of 2017 and I was called 'Paul Park'. I properly started playing and joined the PD because of @Vincent Jenkins . After that I progressed in the PD and gained the rank of SNR Officer which is the rank I am at this point, I have had fun and I am not here to completely quit.

Over the few months of 2018 I had realised my state within perpheads and what I was doing. I was stretching out my free time being a virtual cop for 6 hours+ everyday. Yes I loved being a cop, but it was time consuming and only useful in order for me to gain some fun and interest.

Being in the PLPD has given me an interest into police work, and I thank the whole of the PLPD for that.

I have made plenty of friends and I am happy that I had made some, I know people might like me and many will hate me just because of what I do and what I say to them, this is why I would like to apologise to those who I have pissed off In game and on forums.
I have taken time into thinking about all of this and I've decided to go ahead with taking a 'break'. I really don't feel any attachment to perp like I once had, over the times I had been banned from January-March I realised that I didn't want to go through stupid things and waste my time just to be unbanned from a server, with that I realised that Perpheads wasn't all that I thought it was. I have wasted my time but I can't say that it wasn't fun, because Perpheads is fun.

I could say I am quiting, but I'm not completely. I am going to be active on forums and I'll be on the server rarely. I will probably come back, but right now I'm sure I don't want to be on perpheads right now.

I'd like to thank all of those that have helped me on the way on perpheads and I would like to thank everyone on perpheads for giving me joy and helping me have actual fun. I know many will be happy I am leaving, but that is fine. I'll still be on forums and TS.

Thank you everyone. Feel free to ask questions. I'll still be playing perpheads but I won't be playing it as much as I normally do. I'll only be doing police things and that's it.
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