AR on Orzel1244/Mac Rosiak

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name Astakos/Daniel Lugo
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: orzel1244/ Mac Rosiak
His/Her SteamID: :STEAM_0:0:39685259
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Placing a stove in public just to craft items/And also a bit later breaking FearRP 3.4 While I was having a knife on his neck trying to mug him he used LOOC chat to say this is not allowed then ran backward pulled his shotgun out and killed me. In real life would you run away if someone is having a knife at your neck? Pictures: Placing a stove in public:
Evidence :
Picture 1
Picture 2

Demo File Breaking 3.4 Fear RP on the demo.
Tick on the demo breaking fearRP 3300 until 3704
1. The knife wasnt on my neck, the thing you're trying to do is power gamming
2. As knife isnt very strong weapon, and I had really big chances of surviving, I decided to fight and I've survived, you didnt even stab me, that's the best proof I wasnt in danger
3. The main reason why I did it is because I knew it's against rules (mug in public), ofc Ik I should follow the situation and solve it IC, then after it call an admin, but there was no admin, and I wasnt playing on my own pc, thats why It would be hard to copy the demo, write reports and etc - I just dont like to waste time on ar's if I lost less than 20k

About crafting, that's my bad, but I had to craft one item, so I decided to do it in public, espessally there was only like 2 people on this server, I made misstake and i'm ready about punishment for crafting, but that 3.4 is joke.
Btw, I wonder how your friend knew about killing you, cuz later he opened fire at me. May admin look at it aswell?
sure propably cause he heard gunshots , but i think server is serious rp meaning its like real life , if someone was pointing a knife in you in real life would you act like that? knife its like a gun and u were under gun point and then clearly in the video you run backwards to get your gun anyway admins will decide .
I'm not involved in this, but just because they heard gunshots doesn't mean they can assume you died + if i had a shotgun on me and i had a knife up againt my neck i would jump back and neutralize the target IRL.
I heard gunshots outside I unlocked the door and I run then I saw my friend dead and I started shooting at your car. Its pretty obvious that you broke 3.4
Knife or not he was right in front of you so the knife should be in your chest or neck.
And just because we were 3 people on the server doesnt mean you can fuck the rules and place a stove in public. ITs a Serious Rp server and the place you were it supposed to be full of people. You were about to get mugged and you used LOOC chat to avoid it and then you pulled your shotgun out. If you were about to RP then you would continue to talk to him and discus about it on LOOC not run back and kill him. For me you obviously broke 3.4 and this is also failRP.
3.4 or not, your friend broke 3.4 by mugging him in public anyway
I am the guy that mugged him and why would you respond? are u involved in this somehow??
He's not, but he's trying to show you how hypocrytic you are, mugging in public isnt allowed
Did not user LOOC to avoid it, used it to inform your friend he's breaking rules, same way as he informed me about breaking rules when I were crafting in public, then I knew I should store my stove.
3.4 or not, your friend broke 3.4 by mugging him in public anyway
I am sure you can mug people in public in night time. What kind of world do you live at? Have you ever heard of people stealing wallets and such in public?
Did not user LOOC to avoid it, used it to inform your friend he's breaking rules, same way as he informed me about breaking rules when I were crafting in public, then I knew I should store my stove.
Then if you were informing him why did you run back and killed him instead of trying to explaining him? For me you fucked up and you are just trying to fix it now. Anyway I am not gonna discuss this its not my call either way.
Then if you were informing him why did you run back and killed him instead of trying to explaining him
Because of rules, rules force me to follow the situation and solve it IC, so I solved it by killing him
Just wait for the admins to respond since you say the truth nothing to worry about right?
You're not allowed to mug people in public, regardless of it being nighttime.
With a exception to the beach i think

@orzel1244 will receive a ban for 3.4 since he ran while was under direct knifepoint.
However @mpitzas you will also receive a ban for 3.4 and 5.1 since you ran over the intersection for no apparent reason in your demo and also as you attempted to mug @orzel1244 in a public setting.​
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