Siege Tournament

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I'm hosting a siege tournament as I released my exams are later than I thought.
I'm not sure how many teams there's going to be, it depends on how many people signup.
There's obviously going to be 5 players per team, however feel free to have reserves.

Team Template:

Team Name:
Team Members:
Preferred map(s) and game-mode:
Team Reserves (optional):
Team Logo (optional):

If you're not in a team and want to join one then fill out the template and you can join a random one on the day, or I'll make a separate one if there's more than 5 people:

Preferred map(s) and game-mode:
I don't think I'll be able to do it, but if someone else could that would be nice.
oh no not this again

when tadgee said '' fag '' and got banned for toxicity
when I held a grenade too long and killed a teammate
when my team got brutally murdered

I'll join but I don't know what team I can join
"What's the british slang term for a cigarette?" "FAG" *User has been removed from the match due to toxicity*
Team Name: TBD
Team Members: @Aero @Kenty @ReapZ @Envionic @NeluDaHunter
Preferred map(s) and game-mode: TBD
Team Reserves (optional): TBD
Team Logo (optional): TBD

Talk to each other and PM me rest of information

edit: there is also going to be a prize pool which is still being worked on.
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