“Reason pending” bans, what do mean that does mean?

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I’ve been seeing a few bans lately with the reason “Reason pending” then the ban reason gets written later on. Is this a new staff thing?
I’ve been seeing a few bans lately with the reason “Reason pending” then the ban reason gets written later on. Is this a new staff thing?
Always used to be a thing if it's something you'd have to write an exam for their ban reason. Usually didn't last longer for 30 minutes, staff who don't fix their ban reason probably have dementia.
I did this once today as someone was spamming and being a minge in-character and in the admin sit, couldn't have him on the server so I just banned him and then edited the reason 2 minutes later. Not that big of a deal, most of the time, the reason is explained in-game to the person, but the writing of the ban might be worded differently so it takes a while to write. For this reason, it's often easier to just tell them, ban them, then edit it later :)
I think I started this off recently as someone started shooting loads of people in an admin sit, wanted him gone ASAP before writing the ban reason, doesn't really mean anything other than staff needing to ban them ASAP before writing a ban reason, a reason will always be given as soon as possible tho