thehomelessdude's re-Introduction

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Hi everyone my name is thehomelessdude, I have been in this community since 2016. I recently got unbanned on the forums and I would like to start off with thanking the staff team for giving me a chance to interact with the community even if it's only on the forums, it is really appreciated and also apologize to them and the players for having to deal with my BS. Nice to see the forum again and all the people in it, new and old, since I probably won't be able to see them in-game for a long time.

hf ig
Welcome back! I hope you're planning to generally do your best best to interact wholly positively with other members of the community and do everything in your power to not associate myself with problematic individuals and toxic behaviour as you've said that you have regrettably done so in the past.
Welcome back! I hope you're planning to generally do your best best to interact wholly positively with other members of the community and do everything in your power to not associate myself with problematic individuals and toxic behaviour as you've said that you have regrettably done so in the past.
why dont you just talk to him on discord?
Welcome back! I hope you're planning to generally do your best best to interact wholly positively with other members of the community and do everything in your power to not associate myself with problematic individuals and toxic behaviour as you've said that you have regrettably done so in the past.
im actually getting bullied at this point, but thanks creepong
im actually getting bullied at this point, but thanks creepong
don't say who I am