Server Suggestion Remove workbench access from keys/storage and go back to chest/trunk

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Description of the idea: Workbench inventory access was changed to be keys/storage yesterday for some reason which might sound good on paper but makes owning a shop a nightmare. In order to craft you now need to trust all the people you base with not to steal your items at all, as if you craft anyone with your keys can access your inventory for some reason.

Why should this be added? (pros):
People can't steal items from your personal workbench when all you did was give them keys to the front door.
Store owners will still be able to have workbenches and allow people to use their storage chest
More consistent as other player items that contain items have their own category, which should include workbenches.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
People can't use your workbench without you giving them access to the items inside.

This man just walked into my building, and stole my items from my workbench when I gave him access to the doors(DRAMATIZATION)
The idea was I presume so people who had keys to your base could craft and actually retrieve items from the bench for doing so.
Was there even a suggestion for this to go to keys/storage? I think it was fine how it was
The idea was I presume so people who had keys to your base could craft and actually retrieve items from the bench for doing so.
just get your own workbench tho, or ask them for chest/trunk access, this just harms shopkeeps to avoid inconveniencing a person who bases from clicking a second box
The idea was I presume so people who had keys to your base could craft and actually retrieve items from the bench for doing so.
Then the proper way to fix this is to add a workbench permission separately, not move it to keys/storage.
This change has harmed the way businesses operate. Nobody will ever get access to the shop ever again after a purchase, to store the firearm they just bought.

Being under trunk/chest meant that a buyer could have access to the building, being able to store their purchase. Now they can't even do that, and this change has directly affected both me and puffy at least. I'm not sure about anybody else, but this hasn't done much good.

If you insist that others could have access to the workbench, but not trunks of cars, then just add a separate permission for workbenches.