John Daymon


Communication Banned
Reaction score
In my recent time on the server I've noticed @John Daymon acting as an exceptional member of the community, being exceedingly helpful in his contributions and truly making a U-turn on his attitude towards the community. Very commendable efforts, keep up the good work.
I appreciate the recommendation.

I decided as stated in another recommendation on @matt that I want to take the server seriously again and I think Matt was the person I needed to enable me to do this, I haven't been able to find that "thing" to do it before, but since I started playing with Matt I've really enjoyed it all again and playing seriously makes the server way more fun.
Obviously it's somewhat coming from a biased point of view but Daymon has really shined through recently in the community. Dedicating such large amount of time to helping out players old and new, and just being a generally pleasant presence on the server.
I appreciate the recommendation.

I decided as stated in another recommendation on @matt that I want to take the server seriously again and I think Matt was the person I needed to enable me to do this, I haven't been able to find that "thing" to do it before, but since I started playing with Matt I've really enjoyed it all again and playing seriously makes the server way more fun.
i love matt too he answered my questions about something irl im grateful for those infos
+Rep Same as matt he goes around and helps as many new player as he can and he help as much with situation that come up!