Server Suggestion Organization Perk

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Suggestion Title: Organization Perk
Suggestion Description: Add the ability to see "Allies" or "Rivals" on the doors of properties the same way as the door shows new player.

Why should this be added?:
* So you don't accidently raid allies.
* Adds an extra level to org perks that doesn't have a perk right now. (This should be a high level perk LVL 26+)
* Maximizing org XP so you know what properties to raid for the most XP.

What negatives could this have?:
Ally orgs will not be raided or barely raided, I don't know?
??? why you should probably do a bit more investigation and planning before you do a raid and find out who is inside before you raid the place
this will just benefit the mega zerg 10 20 player org's and make it harder for the lower rank ones to survive
??? why you should probably do a bit more investigation and planning before you do a raid and find out who is inside before you raid the place
this will just benefit the mega zerg 10 20 player org's and make it harder for the lower rank ones to survive
I don't think you understand that the average perp criminal isn't going to "plan" a raid.
??? why you should probably do a bit more investigation and planning before you do a raid and find out who is inside before you raid the place
this will just benefit the mega zerg 10 20 player org's and make it harder for the lower rank ones to survive
This makes no sense. Me accidentally raiding ally org isn't going to save a random from getting raided...
I agree with this I do however not feel like this should be a perk. If you're allied with someone you should see that an ally owns it no matter what level, the reason for this is because you definitely wouldn't accidently raid your allied gang in real life.
I agree with this I do however not feel like this should be a perk. If you're allied with someone you should see that an ally owns it no matter what level, the reason for this is because you definitely wouldn't accidently raid your allied gang in real life.
I just feel if you add it as an org perk at a high level it's harder to be "abused"
I dont like this

I raid allies on purpose, how can I plead ignorance if it says it on the door?
I get where this is coming from, however Auris actually said why this shouldn’t be added. If you really are allies it isn’t that hard to find out, people claiming that accidentally raiding allied orgs doesn’t indirectly safe another person is false. Raiding rule limits the amount of raids you can do, so if you wasted one of those counts on an ally, that’s another person that gets a bit more growing time and possibly more money.

If you are allied just call/contact eachother, interact with eachother to know which places they own. Adding it to a door is ridiculous and takes away interaction between allied orgs.
I agree with this I do however not feel like this should be a perk. If you're allied with someone you should see that an ally owns it no matter what level, the reason for this is because you definitely wouldn't accidently raid your allied gang in real life.
Yes and the way you would know it’s one of your allies, is because you contacted eachother before. Not because of a sign on their door stating it.
Yes and the way you would know it’s one of your allies, is because you contacted eachother before. Not because of a sign on their door stating it.
But you would know that your allies live there, just like you know where your friends live in real life, it's not like you go up busting into their homes and realising it's them
Yes and the way you would know it’s one of your allies, is because you contacted eachother before. Not because of a sign on their door stating it.
I don't think anyone will contact their allies before "planning" a raid, most people just see boarded up windows and start dropping bombs. If you don't add ally chat this is a decent step to actually creating some kind of link between orgs.

Also saying that you would know where your friends live is stupid as you change location constantly on Perp so you can never be sure from previous bases.
I don't think anyone will contact their allies before "planning" a raid, most people just see boarded up windows and start dropping bombs. If you don't add ally chat this is a decent step to actually creating some kind of link between orgs.

Also saying that you would know where your friends live is stupid as you change location constantly on Perp so you can never be sure from previous bases.
Well uhm if you cba to contact allies to know their bases and end up raiding them, that’s a you problem. Raiding shouldn’t be made any easier by adding signs to doors, which will end in less interaction. With signs you can just go check every door till you see “RIVAL” and raid them, makes no sense at all. Want to know your rivals hideout track them back to it. Want to know your allies hideout, call/text them, speak to them ig.

Daymon was talking about knowing where you’re friends live irl, not me.
Well uhm if you cba to contact allies to know their bases and end up raiding them, that’s a you problem. Raiding shouldn’t be made any easier by adding signs to doors, which will end in less interaction. With signs you can just go check every door till you see “RIVAL” and raid them, makes no sense at all. Want to know your rivals hideout track them back to it. Want to know your allies hideout, call/text them, speak to them ig.

Daymon was talking about knowing where you’re friends live irl, not me.
I don't think Rivals should be shown on doors, but at the same time, it doesn't matter, people will raid any owned property regardless. If you really want raiding to be harder make a suggestion to get rid of seeing owned properties. This suggestion wont make raiding easier than it is already, and I think it will create a bridge between orgs especially between players from both sides that don't know each other, I personally don't know the phone numbers of my allies so I wouldnt be able to call them and ask around.

Also this suggestion perfectly solves Daymons point as well as in Perp houses are not constant so having a name on the door fixes that, as in real life you would know where they live.
This is a good suggestion as realism cant completely be reached on perp as it has to stay balanced. Would stop accidental on allies (or on purpose) as you don't always have contact with them/keys to their property. Idk about the rival's door but ally is good.

As has been stated. It might be a good idea to plan a raid and investigate properties that you want to raid, rather than just busting down any owned door you see on your way.
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