Future Development Projects (Poll)

What should Fredy do next for his burger money?

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Fredy is finishing up a big project right now, that most of you won't care about, and is deciding what the next project for the developers will be. We are stuck between two things, they are:

  • A wardrobe system that would make it possible to buy articles of clothing that you would keep in your wardrobe and would allow you to switch them out rather than having to sell and rebuy outfits.

  • Rework the gun code so it is easier to edit the weapons. Then also edit gun system to make the guns more inline so that whilst some guns are "better" the guns that are "worse" aren't totally useless, for example, the famas and micro uzi.
We thought we'd add a poll and you can decide, obviously these will both be done at some point, you just decide which is dealt with first.
5.56 finally getting fixed after the tickrate change? is this a dream?

Edit: Please also look into burst fire, it doesn't behave like the old weapon system. Tiny invited me to an empty server and found "nothing wrong with it" when it's practically useless. See M16 and SG550.
Such a hard choice to pick from I like both of the ideas

Fredy did say if people vote the gun rework he will make sure every gun is unusable but I will convince him to make them good, do not worry!
As part of the gun code rework, would you guys consider working on the following;

- Ensuring all the sights are perfectly centred
- M4A1 recoil reduce (the community loved the old m4)
- Indication on whether the gun is actually loaded properly as when you quickly switch weapons after reloading, your gun fails to shoot
- All guns having one-tap potential (PPK & ak74u although you pretty much instantly bleed out when shot once in the head by the 74u)

it'd also be nice to keep adjusting the gun's stats until they're good enough if they're not up to par, ak meta is ZZZ
It's difficult, They both are quite good idea's and both have their own pro's and con's, However I think the rework of the Gun System would be more beneficial to the server than clothing would be, At the end of the day, The wardrobe idea is sick and can improve RP with outfits and what not however people like being recognised and have always been recognised by their clothing more than their name, The wardrobe is a great idea and I still think it should be 100% implemented however wouldn't be more beneficial than the Gun's.